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Regardless in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+11Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: despitenotwithstandingSimilar words: regardless ofregardingas regardsin regard towith regard tohardly anyregainupwardly mobileMeaning: [rɪ'gɑrdlɪs /-'gɑːd-]  adj. (usually followed by `of') without due thought or consideration. adv. in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks. 
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121. They tended to exaggerate grossly the role which the intelligentsia could play regardless of socio-economic developments.
122. We attempted to avoid this bias by offering endoscopy to every asthmatic patient regardless of the presence or absence of reflux symptoms.
123. Regardless of overall inefficiency, it seems clear that more meals will be cooked over charcoal in the future.
124. His remarkable doggedness led him to carry on regardless when two stink bombs broke everyone else's concentration.
125. Some people are more likely to lie than others, regardless of race, religion, education, profession or status. Dr T.P.Chia 
126. Observers had predicted that regardless of the winner in the special election, the council would be divided 3-2 on major issues.
127. Regardless of technical hitches Pathfinders in Space was judged a great success, leading to a second series being commissioned in 1960.
128. Regardless, a 12-minute delay before I had started and the pound signs were ringing up.
129. Regardless of the causative agent, the tremors and twitches experienced by some users of caffeine are usually harmless.
130. Clearly, emerging infections can affect people everywhere, regardless of lifestyle, cultural or ethnic background, or socioeconomic status.
131. Regardless of the reasons why you are currently job hunting, this book has the answers for you.
132. The whelks may show frequency independent selection, choosing their favourite food regardless of that species' relative abundance. 2.
133. Regardless of how high you are in the corporation and how much power you possess, you can lose it overnight.
134. Regardless of which you use, metaphors and similes create better documents.
135. If the first shot hits you can fire again(, regardless of whether you wounded or killed with your first shot.
136. His racist views will be rejected by all the people in this country regardless of party.
137. Childhood cancers, including leukaemia, can strike a healthy child at random, regardless of race, social background or creed.
138. The Chin tracks in India follow the most direct line between villages, regardless of gradient.
139. Regardless, this raise helps to keep their base pay ahead of, or at least on a par with, inflation.
140. It finds a place for everyone within the divine purpose, regardless of their background, status or gender.
141. When the string is long, regardless of the weight, the oscillation of the pendulum is always slow.
142. The W algorithm was designed to be more breadth-first, and more consistent results were expected regardless of the input conditions.
143. Many people stick with their banks regardless of whether they offer the best deal.
144. Because of its omnidirectional design,( the system is capable of plucking the signal from the sky regardless of its origin.
145. This was a shop that time had forgotten, that carried on regardless, heedless that the world was changing outside.
146. It would whirl on regardless to October the eleventh and beyond.
147. Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have appealed to the electorate at large, regardless of any socioeconomic considerations.
148. This gives 1 extra attack, worked out immediately prior to hand-to-hand combat regardless of initiative levels or which side charged.
149. If I wanted to, I could change my name regardless of the fact that I had not committed any crime.
150. Give everybody an equal chance, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender.
More similar words: regardless ofregardingas regardsin regard towith regard tohardly anyregainupwardly mobilelessavant-gardeblessmuch lessnonethelesshomelesssenselessmore or lessno less thanneverthelessneedlea bundle ofmiddle-classgaragegarliclegalmiddle groundgarbagelegacylegallycigaretteillegal
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