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Rage in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+25Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: angercrazedeliriumexcitementfadfashionfitfrenzyfurormaniapassionstormstyleviolenceAntonym: calmcomposeSimilar words: garagefor agesstoragecoverageencouragediscouragecourageousdiscouragedMeaning: [reɪdʒ]  n. 1. a feeling of intense anger 2. a state of extreme anger 3. something that is desired intensely 4. violent state of the elements 5. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal. v. 1. behave violently, as if in state of a great anger 2. be violent; as of fires and storms 3. feel intense anger. 
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241. In February, he was dismissed from a truck driver's job for road rage.
242. She could rage till she fell down in a fit, but he wouldn't rise to the bait.
243. Rage rarely visits that open, smiling face but Massimo was volcanic.
244. What infuriates Raymond, inspires his rage, is not really that I committed this crime.
244. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
245. Meryl stared unseeingly ahead, teeth clenched, rigid with an icy rage.
246. I stopped suddenly, the rage, like a candle flame, snuffed out.
247. I asked Trondur if he would again check the tie-down lashings. To my consternation Trondur exploded in rage.
248. She began mouthing words in venomous silence; she clenched her fists in rage.
249. Hearing confirmation that a trusted employee had indeed turned thief, she had gripped the chair-arms in white knuckled rage.
250. She screamed loudly, but it was a bellow of rage not helplessness.
251. His interest is in pricking Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin into bristling at each other with wattles glowing scarlet and throats gobbling rage.
252. Her latest challenge is playing forward for the Richmond Rage basketball team.
253. People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. Will Rogers 
254. Behind him Hrun screamed,( but it sounded more like a bellow of rage than a cry of pain.
255. Does it induce a nice warm glow, or bring on a fit of apoplectic rage?
256. At the hypothalamic level, emotions of rage and pleasure are little altered by any environmental stimuli.
257. The discontent of the monarchists and Falangists was as nothing by comparison with the rage felt by the regime's left-wing opponents.
258. When she went home, there was still the scarlet mark of blind rage across her palms.
259. Only her hands, clasping the edge of the table, betrayed her rage.
260. Will I now, in a white-hot rage, offer my services to the Allies?
261. I would calm my rage, moisten my dry lips, force his return if only by the strength of my desire.
262. I turn immediately to see her coming toward me, her face contorted in rage.
263. Pressure was applied with cool precision: women had discovered that to sidestep male dominance was to avoid destructive rage.
264. He bellowed with pain and rage, and sitting astride, continued punching her savagely in the face until she lay still.
265. As the battles between parent and child rage on, the whole family begins to suffer.
266. And there was a rage around, I knew, that would give courage even to Sebastian.
267. Spinoffs have recently become all the rage, fueled by favorable tax treatment and evidence that shareholders benefit.
268. Caledor flew into a towering rage and dismissed their fears as groundless.
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