Similar words: envious, envisage, envision, in view of, environment, environmental, environmental protection, envy.

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2, I have no reason to be envied.
3, Better be envied than pitied.
4, He ruefully admitted that he envied her.
5, She has always envied my success.
6, I secretly envied her for her good looks.
7, She secretly admired and envied him.
8, I have always envied your good luck.
9, He envied Rosalind her youth and strength.
10, He envied your trip to Greece.
11, A lot of the girls envied me my independent[], freewheeling life.
12, He envied the affection that flowed between the boy and the old man.
13, He envied her-she seemed to have everything she could possibly want.
14, He envied Caroline her peace.
15, I envied her. She looked so calm and capable.
16, But it isn't easy to be envied,[] any more than it is to feel envy.
17, Stephen envied the innocence still visible beneath the strain that showed in Weir's open features.
18, Not that a one of them envied his freedom, consciously.
19, Everyone in the neighborhood envied Bob Green's expensive new luxury car.
20, Soon after, at a funeral, Young said, he envied the corpse.
21, Right then, I really envied the professional boxers, with their rules and regulations and watchful doctors on hand.
22, And I envied his smooth, hairless chest, with its peachy tan.
23, Joseph in his much envied coat of many colours, with his brothers, while Pharaoh and the guards look on.
24, I envied him his freedom to do or say what he wanted.
25, Her luxurious lifestyle and personal ostentation were both hated and envied.
26, If this Elisa woman really was Elsie - and he was convinced that she was - how he envied her.
27, During that day on Lulu, I watched closely the men who tended Alvin and envied them the challenge of their job.
28, He knew the words to every song, and he had a loud catchy voice Norm envied.
29, I always admired him for his tenacity of purpose and dedication - and envied his super brain-power.
30, You've always been very close to them - in fact, it's one of the things I envied about you.
More similar words: envious, envisage, envision, in view of, environment, environmental, environmental protection, envy, envoy, vie, envelope, view, enveloped, movie, viewer, Soviet, review, purview, overview, movie star, interview, subservient, invite, with a view to, point of view, tied, in vitro, invited, convince, convict.