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Performing in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+13Posted:2017-05-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: conformingperformbrainstormingoutperformperformerperformanceunderperformfarmingMeaning: [pər'fɔrm /pə'fɔːm]  n. the performance of a part or role in a drama. 
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121. They need to know that the onerous tasks they are performing are done correctly and are appreciated by line managers.
122. While performing more complex tasks, however, they make fewer mistakes and are less likely to dose off.
123. Performing will be rockers Ash Black and Thrust, accompanied by the latest in rubbery attire provided by Hydra.
124. You have to sing lieder with your true voice, and put more intelligence into performing opera.
125. While the ideal solution is a fast 486 computer there are a lot of 386 machines still performing sterling service.
126. In performing calculations we know exactly what to do and the answers fit nature like a glove.
127. In her youth she was a devout Catholic, faithfully performing the Stations of the Cross.
128. In active clauses, the subject is the agent responsible for performing the action.
129. As a singer, she began to diversify,( performing songs in many languages.
130. Over his 25-year career, recording has been a sideline to performing.
131. This meant performing a given set of rituals at the appropriate times.
132. Duguit took the view that the state was simply an apparatus for performing certain functions.
133. Later he organised two workshops which involved the pupils creating and performing some of their own stories.
134. Getting Up From a Chair Most people expend tremendous amounts of energy when performing this simple activity.
135. Hartman was so discouraged about the way his performing career was going, that he gave up acting for writing.
136. Developments in the creative and performing arts coincided with only a slightly later phase.
137. The free performances will take place on one of two new stages in the Grand Foyer of the performing arts complex.
138. It worked, however, as it had worked when Eng lost his temper about some performing he thought listless.
139. The juxtaposition of their love-making against Bishop Casey performing his sacred duties will do more than shock.
140. Under the new government much of the funding for the performing arts would be cut.
141. He comes on stage performing ballet steps, pirouettes off into the wings, makes some weird grunting sounds,( then reappears.
142. The number of serfs performing labour services, always a minority, fell.
143. His own brand of performing was taking on a very definite shape.
144. I got involved in that so that by mid-1977 I was performing in a play which was actually saying that I was gay.
145. The Detroit-based company set out last year to close some poorly performing showrooms and move others to better locations.
146. Just about every collective pitch helicopter available should be capable of performing this manoeuvre, but some are more capable than others.
147. Guinness is performing creditably through this recession, which is testimony to all those who work in the Company.
148. Regular cleaning and servicing will then keep the instrument performing to its full potential.
149. This is a different basic assumption than what is required for a peak performing team.
150. They were performing the choreography right, but something was missing.
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