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Performing in a sentence

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Sentence count:270+13Posted:2017-05-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: conformingperformbrainstormingoutperformperformerperformanceunderperformfarmingMeaning: [pər'fɔrm /pə'fɔːm]  n. the performance of a part or role in a drama. 
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91. At age 5, Jewel began performing in clubs as part of a folk music trio with her parents.
92. Self-organizing maps are more effective than many algorithms for performing calculations such as those for aerodynamic flow.
93. Then I started touring and giving seminars and performing at Carnegie Hall, and all of that gradually helped.
94. To avoid the technical difficulties in actually performing the sum over histories, these curved space-times must be taken to be Euclidean.
95. For the first few months she trembled at the thought of performing an official engagement on her own.
96. An 1874 picture by one Dudley P.. Flanders shows a circus performing in the open air in Tucson.
97. The Black and White Minstrels are performing without their traditional makeup after complaints that it is racist.
98. He excluded patients with cystic fibrosis by performing duodenal drainage tests for the measurements of pancreatic enzyme concentrations in the duodenal juice.
99. In Ghosh, the accused, a surgeon acting as a locum in a hospital,( claimed fees for performing operations.
100. From this tradition have emerged a number of notable black Gospel choirs, some of them performing to a very high standard.
101. Our aim is to make the performing arts, museums and our heritage accessible to all.
102. Ten workers performing the most menial tasks imaginable were picked at random from the processing line.
103. He worked his way through college, performing menial tasks in exchange for reduced tuition.
104. A hospital in Buckinghamshire is one of only two in the country performing the new operation.
105. So performing live in the Land of Song for the first time was an emotional experience for Kylie and her relatives.
106. United Behavioral Health began performing administrative services for King County in the spring of 1995.
107. Her body was worn out from performing to a capacity crowd at Town Hall.
108. Executives in charge of poorly performing companies or departments generally find their jobs in jeopardy.
109. The doctor performing the surgery on Shutt is called Denise Potter, in an ode to the inspiration.
110. Born in Chicago, the son of a Baptist minister, Cooke was already performing in gospel groups before he was ten.
111. He had seen the etchings of it one evening after performing a ritual of weed-pulling from the tombs behind the abandoned pagoda.
112. And he prompted the discovery of the Tramway, so establishing a permanent performing space.
113. He did not miss his music, and could barely remember his performing days.
114. That includes both the job settings and social settings involved in performing in foreign countries.
115. This is partly because the word itself tends to conjure up the picture of performing some type of vigorous sport.
116. Stalls were out and there were mummers performing miracle plays.
117. That game was held at Los Angeles Coliseum, where California law prevented local college bands from performing at a professional event.
118. They are flamboyant and skilled riders, capable of performing staggering feats of archery and acrobatics on horseback.
119. It was a wonderful meeting of the performing and visual arts in stunning surroundings.
120. The craftsmen of the local Guilds had been performing a play on the Feast of Corpus Christi for eighty years.
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