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Peace in a sentence

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Sentence count:286+93 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: warSimilar words: at peacemake peace withpeachpeacockimpeachmentface to faceeachpeakMeaning: [pɪːs]  n. 1. the state prevailing during the absence of war 2. harmonious relations; freedom from disputes 3. the absence of mental stress or anxiety 4. the general security of public places 5. a treaty to cease hostilities. 
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31) She was longing for some peace and privacy.
32) Hopes of a peace settlement are now fading.
33) With hindsight, he was overestimating their desire for peace.
34) I desire only to be left in peace.
35) The defendant was charged with disturbing the peace.
36) Tonight, the peace agreement lies in tatters.
37) We're still searching for a peace formula.
38) "Breach of the peace" is a notoriously imprecise notion.
39) Intervening militarily will not bring peace.
40) The people were clamouring for peace.
41) It looks likely that the peace talks will fail.
42) The dove is an emblem of peace.
43) Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha 
44) Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
45) Why can't they live together in peace?
46) Renewed fighting threatens to derail the peace talks.
47) These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.
48) What are the terms of the peace treaty?
49) The peace settlement effectively acknowledged the country's independence.
50) It will bring peace to all mankind.
51) The government wishes to further the cause of peace.
52) A peace accord was reached on 26 March.
53) She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.
54) The two countries were at peace.
55) We will do everything to preserve peace.
56) The people desire peace, security and happiness.
57) We live in peace with our neighbors.
58) They always cant about world peace.
59) Peace was just a distant hope .
60) The two communities live together in peace.
More similar words: at peacemake peace withpeachpeacockimpeachmentface to faceeachpeakpearteachreachreactbeachspeakpreachteacherpeanutappealrepeatrepealappearreach outeach otheroutreachreact toappeasepeasantspeak forspeak upspeaker
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