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Passover in a sentence

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Sentence count:60Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pass overpass offpass onpass outsovereignsovereigntyover and overover and over againMeaning: ['pɑːs‚əʊvə]  n. (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. 
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(31) And they themselves not enter into the praetorium not be defiled, but might eat the passover.
(32) But last year, when Passover began midweek, she and her boyfriend, who live in New York, couldn't even go to his family's Seder because it was held in Maryland.
(33) And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?
(34) Feast of Weeks or Shavuot in New Testament is called Pentecost coming 50 days after Passover or Unleaven Bread.
(35) No line in the Seder service at Passover reassures more than the last: "Next year in' Jerusalem!"
(36) The five months in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10 may be the five winter months between The Feast of Tabernacles and The Feast of Passover.
(37) Passover is the Jewish calendar the first month on the 14th day and the night before the Jewish new year,[] the five major Jewish festivals.
(38) Tomorrow night at sundown, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins.
(39) Why is the Passover mentioned 71 times in the Bible, but - 0 - times in the Book of Mormon?
(40) Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lambs were being slaughtered, his disciples said to him, "Where would you like us to go and prepare for your Passover supper?"
(41) Passover was always a time of great tension and expectation, because according to Jewish beliefs the Messiah, the longed-for savior, would reveal Himself in Jerusalem at a Passover festival.
(42) When the party arrives in Jerusalem, it is Passover time.
(43) He Himself was the true paschal lamb , and on the day the Passover was eaten He was to be sacrificed.
(44) It was from Caesarea that Pontius Pilate set out for Jerusalem for the Passover festival at which he sentenced Jesus to be crucified.
(45) WHEN Victoria Herrmann's grandparents died in 2005, her family's Passover Seder tradition passed away with them.
(46) Moreover, it is expressly added that if the day before the Passover falls on a Sabbath, one may in this manner purchase a Paschal lamb, and, presumably, all else that is needful for the feast.
(47) The Passover Seder 's broken and blessed bread and the outpoured and blessed wine became the symbols of salvation.
(48) The exiles observed the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month.
(49) Late spring 7 weeks after Passover and the ingathering of the first harvest eg Wheat.
(50) Pentecost is the 50 th day after Sabbath of the Passover week.
(51) The unleavened cakes at the Passover season are before Him.
(52) Lk .22:7 And the day of Unleavened Bread came, on which the passover had to be sacrificed.
(53) The Israelites the Passover at that time andthe Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days.
(54) Hilkiah, Zechariah and Jehiel, the administrators of God's temple, gave the priests twenty-six hundred Passover offerings and three hundred cattle.
(55) Passover and the feast of Unleavened bread were only two days away.
(56) The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
(57) Easter Sunday and Passover came and went without any indication of its occurrence.
(58) Next week's Passover Seders, which traditionally include matzo and four cups of wine, along with soup, gefilte fish, brisket and potato kugel, are a particular challenge, experts say.
(59) Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.
(60) Passover supper of Jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion.
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  • Leo 2023-02-28 16:28:56
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  • Esteban 2023-02-24 15:02:31
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  • Esteban 2023-02-24 02:48:39
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  • Leo 2023-02-23 20:49:54
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  • Felipe 2023-02-23 15:57:07
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  • Marcos 2023-02-23 15:53:59
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