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Parenteral in a sentence

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Sentence count:63Posted:2017-08-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inter aliafoster parentcountercurrentparentliberal partyparentalapparentlateralMeaning: [pə'rentərəl / pæ'rentrəl]  adj. 1. administered by means other than through the alimentary tract (as by intramuscular or intravenous injection) 2. located outside the alimentary tract. 
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31. This drug is available for both oral and parenteral administration.
32. Objective: To study the clinical effects of parenteral hyperalimentation in severe ulcerative colitis patients.
33. Conclusions The early enteral nutrition is more effective in reducing hypermetabolism response than the early parenteral nutrition.
34. Objective To evaluate the effects of parenteral nutrition supplemented with glutamine dipeptide on T-lymphocyte subgroups in severely burned patients.
35. CONCLUSION:Buprenorphine combined with Chinese angelica parenteral solution and metoclopramide has synergistic effect on analgesia, and is easy to manipulate.
36. Objective To study glutamine (GLN) and cholecystokinin (CCK) effects on prevention of cholestasis in total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
37. Objective : To investigate therapy effect of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) and sandostatin ( SS ) in the patients with acute pancreatitis.
38. AIM : To estimate the clinical value of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in gastric cancer during perioperation.
39. Objective : To apply total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in rescuing the critical premature.
40. Methods 46 patients were taken into n parenteral alimentation, the blood bio-chemical index and nitrogen balance were examined during the period.
41. On the day 1 postoperatively, the patients received tither enteral nutrition or parenteral nutrition.
42. Objective To study the mechanism of vessel injure by the hyperalimentation fluid in infant and search the blood vessel protection measures for peripheral parenteral nutrition.
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43. Objectives To determine the influence of total parenteral nutrition(TPN) and partial parenteral nutrition(PPN) on gut hormones in preterm infant.
44. For intestinal and parenteral amebiasis, vaginal trichomoniasis and anaerobic infections.
45. All dietary supplements were also eliminated and no oral or parenteral drugs were taken.
46. Objective : To investigate the effects methods of enteral and parenteral nutritional support of severe burn.
47. Lipid emulsions composed of triacylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine, which are commonly used for parenteral nutrition, have been widely investigated as drug carriers in recent years.
48. Objectives : To observe the role of parenteral nutrition in the chylous ascites after abdominal surgery.
49. Her condition was managed successfully by conservative treatments with nasogastric decompression and total parenteral nutrition.
50. Methords Besids receiving normal therapy, 30 patients with mild acute pancreatitis were adminisrated 5% levulose parenteral solution 500mL ivgtt per day as energy supplement.
51. Objective : To establish a rat model total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in burn injury.
52. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the safety and efficacy of alanyl-glutamine dipeptide administered via peripheral vein total parenteral nutrition(TPN)in patients after gastrointestinal operation.
53. Objective To investigate the effect of parenteral nutrition that containing alanyl glutamine on protein synthesis after radical total gastrectomy .
54. Objective Discussed influence of parenteral nutrition to preterm infant nutrition condition and bilirubin.
55. Objective To establish a stable model of total parenteral nutrition ( TPN ) in rats with liver transplantation.
56. The temperature, weight, breathe, hemorrhage, liver function(, blood sugar and cholesterol should be closely observed. Results: Parenteral nutrition can resolve the nutrition problem of preterm infant.
57. Objective To observe the role of early parenteral nutrition support after surgery in patients with gastroenteric cancer.
58. Objective To observe the curative effect of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to hyperemesis graridarum (HG).
59. The appropriate use of parenteral nutrition in the ICU continues to be a subject of debate.
60. Objective To explore the mechanism and effects of enteral nutrition and parenteral hyperalimentation on intestine damage in severe burn injury.
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