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Packaging in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+6Posted:2017-04-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: packagepackage tourpack animalagingragingmanagingaveragingencouragingMeaning: ['pækɪdʒɪŋ]  n. 1. the business of packing 2. a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution 3. material used to make packages. 
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121. We put together the new packaging overnight practically, when it would have normally taken two years.
122. In fact it is just as misleading to ignore the packaging and expect some one to assess the new situation without any help.
123. Clinton had hoped to win confirmation of Rohatyn by packaging it with his reappointment of Greenspan.
124. But a lot of ingenuity is going into fresh packaging.
125. He was assigned four years ago to develop packaging and storage methods that could beat such problems as the carrot coating.
126. Everything about the book's packaging proclaims that it is state-of-the-art, all happening now.
127. The current debate in the packaging industry concerns the environmental effects of polyvinyl chloride.
128. However,( there will be environmental pressures on packaging and this is going to be a major factor.
129. The packaging costs exceed the cost of basic ingredients in soft drinks, breakfast cereals, soups, and frozen dinners.
130. Buy: sugar, pineapple, cocktail, tomato paste, packaging.
131. The ultraviolet ray light can sterilize the packaging material.
132. Packaging materials may look beautiful but cause much waste.
133. Tare: the weight of cotton's packaging materials.
134. Madras Packaging currently employs 79 in Argos.
135. Condiment package Suitable:various condiment packaging, desiccant and deoxygenation agent.
136. Wages, packaging and auxiliary accessories are also constantly rising.
137. And electronic packaging surrounding related materials.
138. The new packaging of this article is exquisitely designed.
139. The big money goes for packaging, advertising, sales.
140. Packaging Aids Corp. (PAC) manufactures heat sealing equipment for the food, medical, industrial, and electronic industries.
141. Comparison was made with the performance of green packaging and cushioning material.
142. Packaging is a commercial art and a cultural art as well.
143. We have a good production planning management system and professional products and packaging design team.
144. Packaging card printing takes additional method, because on packaging card printing products made a color vision.
145. It is suitable for automatically. Packaging of steeping products fragmental tea, medicinal tea, coffee etc.
146. There are currently many different vendors that have widgets (see Resources), and almost all of them implement their own proprietary application program interface (API) and packaging format.
147. Pillow packing machine is a device that packaging nubbly items with film , it has been widely applied in industries such as food, daily necessities, medicine Production industry and so on.
148. Series E14 incorporates the latest in microelectronic packaging, LED light sources, and matched sensors.
149. Dabei Japanese shoji Co. , Ltd. is a manufacturing and sales all kinds of jewelry and cosmetics packaging company.
150. As an important component part of tourist shopping goods, this kind of packaging is an indispensable factor in the development of packaging design of China.
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