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Couture in a sentence

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Sentence count:55Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: haute couturefuturein futurein the futurefor the futurenaturematurefeatureMeaning: n. high fashion designing and dressmaking. 
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1. The House of Mattli is expanding from couture into ready-to-wear.
2. Somehow, it bodes well for the couture.
3. Haute couture, fortunately, is simply called couture.
4. Couture, that zenith of craft, detail and construction, comes closest to approximating art in the most traditional sense.
5. Couture encompasses mind-boggling mixes of fabrics and patterns, handmade laces and perfect tailoring.
6. Here are the couture workrooms and a door marked in large black letters' Mademoiselle.
7. Of course, Super Show is not about haute couture,[] but about haute profits.
8. His couture house was inundated with orders.
9. Until recently, Mr. Meister was unfamiliar with kiddie couture.
10. What is it with freedom fighters and couture anyway?
11. Around 25 designers will show their haute couture collections during the most expensive week of the international fashion.
12. As the most prestigious Paris couture house, Dior attracted the most talented assistants.
13. His urban types often sport European haute couture, a masking of the modern Beijing body, analogous to the fashioning of its modern face (Mask Series No. 2, 1997).
14. The menswear haute couture collection "Silent Rock'N Roll", features impossible concept through out the whole collection which is inspired by the chic style of Rock'n Roll star.
15. The Spanish-born Cristobal Balenciaga had closed the haute couture house in 1968; it had never produced clothing for retailers.
16. Beyond haute couture(, Liu Wen and her counterparts have been breaking ethnic barriers for ready-to-wear labels and cosmetics.
17. The fact is that I have a vacancy arising for a couture model.
18. Mailing designs home to be printed on samples sewn by his mum, Wells made a start in sports couture.
19. Wine is in danger of suffering the same fate as haute couture: facing a fast-shrinking number of consumers.
20. Bazaar, which keeps track of spending trends in haute couture and dry goods, notes that luxury is back.
21. I wondered what this splashy display of interracial haute couture meant to her.
22. Everyone on earth was in Paris that week for the fall couture, and for some colossal tennis event.
23. We would like to receive additional information about your haut couture Autumn Collection.
24. Throughout the 1950 s Christian Dior was the biggest and best - run haute couture house in Paris.
25. These are Viktor and Rolf Surrealist Gowns, that's what I call haute couture craziness.
26. In the closeted world of satin and sequins that is Parisian haute couture, there is uncertainty about the future.
27. Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality.
28. She has so much money, she only ever wears haute couture designer clothing.
29. Starting with hand sewing - the basis for every haute couture garment - expert Claire Shaeffer guides the reader through the steps to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.
30. He left Dior in 1961 and opened his own couture house, financed by Berge, in 1962.
More similar words: haute couturefuturein futurein the futurefor the futurenaturematurefeaturecapturetincturegesturefixtureaperturetextureposturelecturepasturecloturenurtureventurerapturemixturepicturerupturecultureculturedin naturecreaturefracturepuncture
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