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Intersect in a sentence

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Sentence count:59+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crossSimilar words: intersperseinterjectinterpersonalpersecuteterseinterimintercomwinteryMeaning: [‚ɪntə(r)'sekt]  v. meet at a point. 
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1. The roads intersect near the bridge.
2. The lines AB and CD intersect at E.
3. The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The circles will intersect in two places.
5. Streets usually intersect at right angles.
6. The lines intersect at right angles.
7. AB and CD intersect at P.
8. How many times do the road and railway intersect on this map?
9. The electrodes intersect at each pixel to produce the required activation voltage.
10. The aisles intersect at right angles to form the shape of a cross.
11. The causes of male violence intersect in complex ways with inequalities of class, ethnicity, race, and age.
12. Q.. My ceiling has painted beams that intersect at several crossing points.
13. Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other.
14. Finally casts the parallel line which two never intersect.
15. A highway and a railway intersect here.
16. The flight path would then either intersect the earth,( or go off into space.
17. Mining gas - geology, a new intersect discipline, has made great progress for these 15 years.
18. The peaks are identified by finding intersections on chromatogram Thearethe chromatographic curves intersect with the scales.
19. And sunset shots time of impact intersect at two points.
20. The most fundamental question is, do the two sets, namely natural monopolies and perfectly contestable industries, in fact intersect?
21. But what of a theoretical analysis of how these structures intersect?
22. Many mages build their dwellings along these channels and many places of power occur where the lines intersect.
23. It may have been inevitable that the fringes of Labour and the Nationalists would intersect in the aftermath of the election.
24. For example, the axes of the topmost driver and the middle driver or of the bottommost driver and the middle driver may intersect at an angle 2. theta. in the azimuth plane.
25. If not, crews will wait until the completion of a 5,500-meter relief well that will intersect the base of the well pipe.
26. In order to solve these problems, a method of the space perspective affinity transformation and its application in solving intersect line of two quadratic surface have been proposed in this paper.
27. The phase error generated by bandwidth is proportional to the nonlinear crystal length and the beams intersect angle.
28. Based on two basic protocols of secure multi-party computation, a secure protocol is designed for determining whether two spacial spheres intersect, and its correctness and security are analyzed.
29. To avoid sliding that occurs in cylindrical roller thrust bearings, the taper angle of the rollers is selected so the extended contact lines intersect on the bearing axis.
30. If you lower the plate voltage by 100V, you will find another "optimum" spot where these lines intersect.
More similar words: intersperseinterjectinterpersonalpersecuteterseinterimintercomwinterypainterintermitinteriorinterestinternalinteractintervalInternetinterveneinterplayintercedeinterviewinterpretinterludeinterruptinterfereinterceptenter intoin terms ofintellectualinterestedinternship
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