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Noticeable in a sentence

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Sentence count:268+11Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: detectableobtrusiveSimilar words: noticebe able togive noticesizeablemalleableagreeabletake notice ofchangeableMeaning: ['nəʊtɪsəbl]  adj. 1. capable or worthy of being perceived 2. capable of being detected 3. undesirably noticeable 4. readily noticed. 
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241 This paper introduces existing problems, scope of control, noticeable problems and taking management measures of site visa management.
242 The air of assurance and dignity about it all was exceedingly noticeable to the novitiate.
243 They also unequivocally demonstrate that noticeable change can emerge on its own by summing up the steady unnoticeable work of incremental deletions of the unfit.
244 We now have a diffusion effect, but It'seems quite blurry and it's not every noticeable.
245 In these ford in the tax accounting event, needs to pay any tax, how the correct idea tax, how to prepare from the tax saving angle(Sentence dictionary), is the enterprise noticeable question.
246 His impact was most noticeable in the dying seconds of Leicester's away game at MK Dons, when his screamer of a free-kick salvaged a valuable point.
247 The Aral Sea has also had a noticeable affect on the region's climate.
248 The analysis indicates that the inverse spectrum has a noticeable feature to distinguish the influence of the side frequency as well as the transfer function in measuring test system.
249 All of this has produced a noticeable aggressiveness in many women.
250 Alkalescent granites and gold - related silication argillation are geological prerequisites for the formation of noticeable gold deposits.
251 X-ray equipment used to inspect carry-on baggage uses a very low level of x-radiation that will not cause noticeable damage to most films.
252 The size of just noticeable difference is proportional to the original reference price.
253 I've had no time to wash my hair -- is it noticeable?
254 And the majority of airplanes use the army duck to cover the forehead, only then annihilates 101 body silver-gray colors the coat[], is specially noticeable under the sunlight.
255 Red C?te de Beaune are noticeable for their aroma and their warm bouquet.
256 The operation was successful. The cheek indentation was now just barely noticeable.
257 Plackett - Burman experiment shows that wheat bran, syrup and KH 2 PO 4 have noticeable effect on the aminopeptidase productivity.
258 One of the most noticeable features of the Middle Miocene rock layers was their periodicity.
259 The synthetic approach builds up the seed slowly to prevent metal atoms needed for the process from being trapped in the growing stone, which causes noticeable inclusions.
260 Several famous peaks are said to be noticeable in the far distance.
261 There are many noticeable and well-developed joints in the volcanic crater group in the Changle area, and they are unique in shape.
262 Although these slower transactions may not be noticeable to the casual user, they may still be vulnerable to attacks at the ISP level.
263 For all of these reasons, relational databases offer what we might call a noticeable impedance mismatch when we try to use them to persist objects in a dynamic language like Python.
264 Only a few big funds provided any noticeable shelter at all.
265 Pinch-to-zoom and swiping appeared faster, maybe not as uniformly smooth as, say, the iPad 2, but the speed bump is noticeable.
266 The feminine image is day by day frequent in the commercial advertising utilization, already became one kind of noticeable phenomenon.
267 The best news photography occurs when the presence of the camera is not noticeable.
268 Since there are noticeable differences in the linguistic forms among the three kinds of hypallage, there are some minute differences in the cognitive process of their respective meaning construction.
More similar words: noticebe able togive noticesizeablemalleableagreeabletake notice ofchangeableimpermeabledisagreeableunchangeablebioticexoticidioticquixoticenticejusticepracticereticentdo justiceapprenticein practiceablecabletableviableout of practiceenableliablenotable
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