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Normative in a sentence

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Sentence count:123Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: prescriptiveSimilar words: formativeaffirmativeaffirmative actionformationreformationinformationmalformationtransformationMeaning: ['nɔrmətɪv /'nɔː-]  adj. 1. relating to or dealing with norms 2. pertaining to giving directives or rules. 
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(91) But the normative implication of this argument is that policymakers should be indifferent because, by this supposedly all-encompassing measure of welfare, we are no worse off than we were before.
(92) The user should input phoneticize only, can get normative written language.
(93) The normative sub - branch of microeconomics is known as welfare economics.
(94) To perfect the market this trade importantly form, must introduce credit mechanism to come normative negotiant behavior.
(95) Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) has been a normative scheme of entropy coding in video coding standards such as H. 264, AVS, for its excellent coding efficiency.
(96) Last, optimizing the best parameter of condense, dry and granulate to offer the reasonable ,[] normative and scientific data for industrialized production .
(97) In normative website respect, basically be network operator wants to examine obligation.
(98) The third part, in the normative and limitations of formally legal reasoning of the discussions, and the people for a long time for a traditional logic in the form of misunderstanding.
(99) On the basis of FDI theories, adopting historical examination and realistic analysis, positive and normative methods, this article uses dynamic measures to analyze the development of FDI policy.
(100) The consistency of the interval number judgement matrix is a difficult problem in the study of the uncertain Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), and it still has not a normative definition by far.
(101) Accompany with the development in the press today, the book review is already lagging behind for many reasons, but the lack of normative writing book reviews is a major key.
(102) Positive analysis and normative analysis are closely related to convergent thinking and divergent thinking function of human brain respectively.
(103) Moreover, the network construction was simple and normative, easy to be realized. The simulation result was satisfied for the aero-engine control system with broad working range.
(104) The third is a summary of the standard one-place normative propositional logic and analysis of some theorem of it from the science of law.
(105) The paper applies positive research method, combined with normative research method.
(106) OPC is one of the middleware technologies of open control system, which provides a set of normative data acquisition interface to achieve integration of different soft hardware.
(107) Conclusion: Normative rehabilitation was useful in improving talipes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.
(108) The anthropometric and organic character of the classical theory of proportions is intrinsically connected with a third characteristic, its pronouncedly normative and aesthetic ambition.
(109) In the United States and the rest of the Anglophone world, "philosophy of law" is a subdiscipline of philosophy(, a special branch of what is nowadays frequently called "normative theory.
(110) Such, former non - standard argy - bargy can stride to relatively normative contemporary company system.
(111) Both conformance profiles and templates express constraints against normative specifications.
(112) The normative and quick development of Chinese Automobile services such as finance, insurance, vendition, and traffic will benefit Chinese auto mobile industry.
(113) And "normative ethics"is characterized by its peremptoriness, that is, rules are laid down through legislation to set one's goal and norms of behavior.
(114) In fact, the evolving order in Asia is a combination of hub and wheels model, limited co-domination model, normative community model and complex interdependence model.
(115) Neurophysiologic studies were interpreted based on age - adjusted normative data from our laboratory.
(116) And "normative ethics"is characterized by its peremptoriness, that is, rules are laid down through legislation to set one's goal and norms of beha...
(117) Then, again, he must appeal to premisses of two kinds: first, a still more basic normative or value premiss, and, second, a still more basic factual one.
(118) Because of universal and normative characteristic of module fixture, marked method can be the base of precise position and assembly relation.
(119) Yet, in order to explain the source of the obligation of contract, the most important theory is the Normative Theory of Contract.
(120) WTO regulation is the international public law of normative government action.
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