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Non-monopoly in a sentence

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Sentence count:8Posted:2023-06-10Updated:2023-06-10
Similar words: monopolyantimonopolystate monopolynatural monopolygovernment monopolymonopolemonopolarmonopolism
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1 In non-monopoly capitalism , the "invisible hand "regulated the social production , while the government still interfered economy operation by law .
2 The non-monopoly federal system is the initial proposed form of state structure of the CPC.
3 Why this doctrine was so popular in the civil law domain of non-monopoly capitalism time has its profound economical root and special political background.
4 Western Marxists deem that the contemporary capitalism is a national capitalism which is different from non-monopoly capitalism and it enters a new capitalist era.
5 Modern capitalist pursued the different policies at the three stages of development-capital primitive accumulation, non-monopoly capitalism, and monopoly capitalism.
6 And the Western imperialist powers at this moment had already begun transition from non-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism, namely, imperialism.
7 And Theil index shows monopoly factor influence income gap of industrial branch by industry in detail a lot, in monopoly business income gap is larger than non-monopoly.
8 From end of 19 century to begin of 20 century, capitalism developed from non-monopoly capitalism to monopoly capitalism.
More similar words: monopolyantimonopolystate monopolynatural monopolygovernment monopolymonopolemonopolarmonopolismmonopolisemonopolistmonopolizemonopolisticmonopolizationmonopolistic competitionnonmonotonicmonopodialcarbon monoxidecarbon monoxide gascarbon monoxide poisoningon Mondaycommon modeironmongercaution moneyironmongeryduopolycopolymeroligopolybiopolymerhomopolymermonopsony
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