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Antimonopoly in a sentence

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Sentence count:15Posted:2024-07-03Updated:2024-07-03
Similar words: monopolynon-monopolystate monopolynatural monopolygovernment monopolymonopolemonopolarmonopolistMeaning: adj. of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices. 
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1 Wholesome and ordered international market competition need international antimonopoly law.
2 Chapter two discusses the justifiability of Antimonopoly regulatory law for abuse of IPRs.
3 The current various countries' antimonopoly law has some common grounds, including enterprise's lateral integration, the longitudinal merge, such as abuse of dominant market position.
4 The proposed antimonopoly law is likely to be adopted as soon as today.
5 The antimonopoly law is named as "economic constitution",( playing an important role in economic laws.
6 It is contrary antimonopoly law , so Microsoft has superior in right time and right place.
7 This dissertation selects a legal vision of antimonopoly to study relevant questions in China.
8 Therefore researches on antimonopoly have been one of the hot theoretical points in Chinese law circle.
9 Secondly, the article thinks behaviorism is system standard of antimonopoly of intellectual property.
10 In general, It exists as the exemption from the application of antimonopoly law.
11 Public utilities'abusive behavior is the main problem in regulation reform and antimonopoly law in China.
12 At last, it put forward the basic principles of the antimonopoly lawmaking cross - border Merger Acquisition.
13 The intellectual property rights, as one kind of legitimate exclusive right which the laws entrust with, generally exist as the exception of the antimonopoly law.
14 Part Two demonstrates the reasons and meanings of regulating the Transnational M & A by the Antimonopoly Law.
15 Behaved as an legal monopoly, under certain circumstance intellectual property rights might transform into economic monopoly that antimonopoly law would regulate.
More similar words: monopolynon-monopolystate monopolynatural monopolygovernment monopolymonopolemonopolarmonopolistmonopolisemonopolismmonopolizemonopolisticmonopolizationantimonyantimonideantimonateantimonialantimonitemonopolistic competitionmonopodialmonopropellantpolysemantictimonkimonoduopolymonoclonal antibodycopolymeroligopolybiopolymertestimony
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