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Oligopoly in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2017-03-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: monopolymonopolizemetropolismetropolitancosmopolitanmonopolistic competitionpolypolygonMeaning: ['ɑlɪ'gɑpəlɪ /'ɒlɪgɒ-]  n. (economics) a market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors. 
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1, The petrol market is an oligopoly.
2, It is apparently a competitive oligopoly.
3, An oligopoly exists in a market with just a few sellers.
4, A duopoly is an oligopoly with only two members.
5, The U.S. auto industry is an oligopoly, because there are only three main producers.
6, A moderate oligopoly creates a stable structure , and moderate competition provides a healthy and lively market.
7, Stability of equilibrium in an oligopoly market has important implications. This paper focuses on the stability condition of equilibrium by using contraction mapping and fixed point principle.
8, Compare the quantity and price of an oligopoly to those of a monopoly.
9, The proposed JV would simply turn an oligopoly of three players into a duopoly.
10, A duopoly is an oligopoly with only two members . It is the simplest type of oligopoly.
11, Oligopoly of the market in the coal enterprises to enter the number of configuration control of a new train of thought.
12, As the oligopoly grows in size the magnitude of the price effect falls.
13, Oligopsony Similar to an oligopoly, but where a small number of large buyers (not sellers) control a large proportion of the market and drive prices down.
14, Otherwise, you have an oligopoly or cartels where the big operators act in concert (whether by design or by happenstance) to dictate prices, working conditions, etc.
15, Third, the results clearly show the non-equivalence between tariffs and quotas in the presence of oligopoly.
16, What we do in this chapter is the reverse: we focus on the implications of oligopoly.
17, But, on reflection, this depends for example on one's theory of oligopoly.
18, For some time, since the 1920s, it had been a conservative, uncompetitive oligopoly.
19, In other words, the current market structure of China's aviation industry an oligopoly market structure.
20, The paper indicates that after system innovation, our mobile telecom operation market is transforming into oligopoly monopoly from administration perfect monopoly.
21, The near future has scholastic ground SCP standard, put forward oligopoly Fan Shi.
22, In the past, the Chinese have complained loudly that the miners behave like an unaccountable oligopoly.
23, Therefore, there is a need to analyze tax burden under differentiated tax rate under three market conditions, namely perfect competition,( monopoly and oligopoly.
24, The model can simulate the perfect competition and an oligopoly carbon market.
25, This thesis focuses on the competition among the power generation companies using the oligopoly competition theory.
26, And the appearance of this efficient equilibrium depends on the formation of oligopoly in audit market.
27, Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of China, this paper discussed the oligopoly of Chinese steel industry through the introduction of scale economics and imperfect competition.
28, The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range.
29, B 2 B e - commerce platform - Alibaba Duzhanaotou, an oligopoly situation, occupy the vast majority of B 2 B e - commerce market share.
30, This paper examines the relationship between financial decisions and pricing strategy in oligopoly.
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