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Nitrogen in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+7Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Natomic number 7Similar words: progenychondrogenesisin vitrointelligence agencymaitre d'waitressarbitraryarbitrateMeaning: ['naɪtrədʒən]  n. a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues. 
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61. The nitrogenous materials which have been oxidized aerobically to nitrate are then reduced anaerobically to nitrogen.
62. Nitrogen can take up to 20 years to pollute water and, therefore, is a very long term problem.
63. The southern California air basin is the only area in the country that still fails to meet the nitrogen dioxide standard.
64. Aerozine 50 was used as the fuel, with nitrogen tetroxide as the oxidizer.
65. Nitrogen use will be more problematic, but precision farming will enable farmers to keep track of field nutrient balances.
66. The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound.
67. In addition, it would consume liquid nitrogen for cooling purposes at approximately £20 per trip.
68. On Earth, nitrogen is an important ingredient of both storable rocket fuels and oxidizers.
69. Overfertilization by nitrogen may also make trees more palatable to insects.
70. In sunlight, VOCs can react in the lower atmosphere with nitrogen oxides to generate photochemical smog.
71. To avoid further damage to sensitive ecosystems, sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions must be cut by 90 percent.
72. Silane, SiH4 is injected into the active nitrogen stream, and reacts with it to produce SiH.
73. This indicates that the inert gases were acquired by a different means from carbon and nitrogen.
74. The ceramics -- cables encased in a sheath of liquid nitrogen -- are being developed for power generation and other machinery applications.
75. If not, shortages of the other nutrients, such as nitrogen, could halt the growth benefits of more carbon dioxide.
76. Give a little extra nitrogen to blackcurrants and cooking apples; extra potash to gooseberries and red and white currants.
77. The crew compartment contains a nearly normal mixture of 80 % nitrogen and 20 % oxygen at sea-level pressure.
78. Unless farm fertilisation increases, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen, especially as nitrate, may well overtake deposition from land runoff.
79. Through heavy dressings of nitrogen these produce bulky crops for grazing, silage, and eventually for ploughing in.
80. In general coals contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur with various other trace elements.
81. This is activated by the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus from fertiliser run-off from agricultural practises.
82. These same nitrogen oxides, in high but apparently plausible concentrations, will defoliate plants.
83. Gaseous oxides formed from sulphur, nitrogen and other substances also have to be scrubbed out and neutralised.
84. Leivi is particularly worried by the high levels of phosphorous and nitrogen in the animals' droppings, which seep into groundwater.
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85. An important factor in achieving high productivity in grassland is the availability of nitrogen to the plant roots.
86. Despite corn acreage increasing by ten percent last year, nitrogen fertilizer sales dropped by more than ten percent.
87. The specimens were frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen and subjected to autofluorescence microscopy.
88. Methylated bile acids were produced by reaction at room temperature for one hour and subsequently evaporated to dryness under nitrogen.
89. Sedimentrich runoff from logging, road building and real estate development has been filling the lake with nitrogen and phosphorous.
90. For example, below-ground resource allocation is driven by nitrogen or water availability in many forest ecosystem models.
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