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Nitrogen in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+7Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Natomic number 7Similar words: progenychondrogenesisin vitrointelligence agencymaitre d'waitressarbitraryarbitrateMeaning: ['naɪtrədʒən]  n. a common nonmetallic element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless inert diatomic gas; constitutes 78 percent of the atmosphere by volume; a constituent of all living tissues. 
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91. Government monitoring stations measure levels of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides or low-level ozone but fail to publicise them widely.
92. Carbon atoms can form bonds not only with themselves but with the atoms of important atmospheric gases, oxygen and nitrogen.
93. Most traders, by the middle of this week, were still waiting for confirmation from maltsters on the accurate nitrogen tests.
94. Titan is unique in having a thick atmosphere made mostly of nitrogen, with some methane and possibly argon.
95. A model system relates energy consumption to emissions of sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions.
96. Dried blood is another animal product from the abattoir, this time to supply nitrogen.
97. But close examination showed that species intolerant of acid conditions or high nitrogen levels were not reappearing.
98. Nitrogen oxide Forty percent of nitrogen oxide emissions in Britain come from vehicles.
99. Nitrogen mustards in suitable doses damage only cells and tissues which normally exhibit relatively high rates of proliferation and growth.
100. This test was used to ensure a 100% death rate of cells frozen in liquid nitrogen.
101. Morphological measurements and enzyme activities carried out on intestinal mucosa are another good method of assessing dietary nitrogen quality.
102. Like the rate of decrease in nitrogen, the rates of increase in fluorine and uranium depend strongly on local factors.
103. Apart from general operating conditions, it has set emission limits for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.
104. Does it set back the filter bacteria, denied of the first stage of the nitrogen equation?
105. For matrix materials like methane, nitrogen, krypton and xenon, this is not too surprising.
106. The situation is exacerbated by unusually low levels of nitrogen oxides, which inhibit ozone destruction.
107. Nitrogen generation is negligible for both coals over the maturity range investigated.
108. The ability to operate at these temperatures is advantageous, because liquid nitrogen is cheap and the devices need less thermal insulation.
109. Nuclear explosions produce shock waves which can inject oxides of nitrogen into the stratosphere.
110. Organically farmed crops are not sprayed with any chemical pesticides and are not treated with nitrogen, potassium or phosphate fertilisers.
111. The residual gases including nitrogen, higher hydrocarbons carbon dioxide, etc. constitute about 2 percent.
112. This occurs in the upper atmosphere when neutrons produced by cosmic rays interact with nitrogen atoms.
113. This waste may be burned to make a mixture of carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen.
114. The algae feeds on nitrogen and phosphates which come into the water from agriculture and sewage.
114. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
115. All the input data is then processed to produce the nitrogen application maps.
116. One molecule of ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen.
117. So when you scuba dive, the amount of nitrogen dissolved in your body fluids increases.
118. There was a small explosion in the nitrogen cooling tanks.
119. Nitrogen oxide emissions from vehicles are rising every year because of the huge growth in the number of cars.
120. In order to decompose, all vegetable matter needs supplies of nitrogen.
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