Similar words: tremulously, incredulously, ridiculous, meticulous, anomalously, voraciously, miracle, credulous. Meaning: [mɪ'rækjələslɪ /-jʊ-]
adv. in a miraculous manner.

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1. He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
2. Miraculously, both drivers walked away without a scratch.
3. Miraculously, no one was killed.
4. They miraculously survived the plane crash.
5. Miraculously, the guards escaped death or serious injury.
6. She still believed that somehow she could be miraculously cured.
7. The barn has been miraculously transformed into a luxury hotel.
8. A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000 - volt electric shock.
9. He seems to have been miraculously transformed into a first-class player.
10. Miraculously, the whole process only takes a millionth of a second.
11. First,( the cowlick had miraculously disappeared.
12. Miraculously, he was still wearing his glasses.
13. In others, there are dangers he miraculously survived.
14. Miraculously, it still produces thousands of tonnes of lead.
15. In this tale, Tony the Wonder Horse miraculously survives the crash.
16. Miraculously, although some teams had lost up to three of their complement, they plodded on.
17. The docs' guesswork just goes to show how miraculously improbable human health really is.
18. Miraculously healed, she is in full possession of her powers.
19. I suppose you thought everything would somehow miraculously work itself out.
20. The train came miraculously in ten minutes, a short wait.
21. Almost miraculously Herrera recovered after several months of careful attention and rest.
22. Miraculously neither of the victims appeared hurt despite the piles of safety glass glittering in the street.
23. But, miraculously, his feet never hurt him; not when walking on snow, not when walking through the mountains.
24. His racing career hung in the balance but Cardus was back on the track within a miraculously short time.
25. Maura had been seeing Terry for nearly five months, and miraculously had managed to keep him a secret.
26. A company executive turned her down for the letter, but miraculously, the director of the company overruled that decision.
27. Vitus was heaved into a vat of boiling water, from which he miraculously emerged unharmed.
28. We do not have the luxury of thinking our problems will miraculously be solved by better times ahead.
29. He also knew that the next few minutes could lose what chance had so miraculously delivered up to him at long last.
30. At the time it seemed as though the Midland had miraculously got its money back from the ill-fated venture.
More similar words: tremulously, incredulously, ridiculous, meticulous, anomalously, voraciously, miracle, credulous, querulous, fabulous, nebulous, incredulous, tremulous, garrulous, edentulous, scrupulous, furiously, raucously, dubiously, copiously, nervously, anxiously, curiously, obviously, piteously, fantabulous, notoriously, vigorously, previously, sensuously.