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Mechanical in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+11Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: chemicalSimilar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicMeaning: [mɪ'kænɪkl]  adj. 1. using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices 2. relating to or concerned with machinery or tools 3. relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics. 
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121. Another hazard in dealing with inattentive children is treating them in a mechanical and inflexible manner.
122. When they are successful a bell rings and a mechanical buddha lights up and makes a creaky obeisance.
123. Its members take on the characteristics of mechanical cogs, performing their prescribed chores until they are worn out and replaced.
124. There were any number of cranes, cars and mechanical arms fashioned from the modern equivalents of Meccano.
125. Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
126. He reached for that door in the same mechanical, unafraid way and threw it open.
127. They were of various sizes and worked in the vehicle, aerospace, mechanical engineering and electronics industries.
128. As well as its own peat-cutting operations, the company is also encouraging local farmers to use mechanical excavators to exploit their own reserves.
129. Council officials say that lives were put at risk from mechanical defects, including faulty brakes.
130. Jim Redding, my chief mechanical designer, and I followed the lorry all the way to make sure nothing went amiss.
131. The boys outpaced the girls in mechanical, verbal, and abstract reasoning, space relations, and numerical ability.
132. The crashes have been attributed to a variety of problems, from human error to software glitches to mechanical failure.
133. But the Earth as mechanical device has been a harder idea to swallow.
134. A 12 volt battery is really essential for the mechanical action of the trimmer to work effectively over a long period.
135. Then we noticed that the Pike head was sort of pulsing backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
136. The 28-year-old mechanical engineer's fortunes took a dramatic twist midway through last season when his career hit rock bottom.
137. Council officials say lives were at risk from mechanical defects, including faulty brakes.
138. Window eaves and roof gutters curve in organic efficiency rather than follow a mechanical right angle.
139. Surfaces were cluttered with an assortment of electronic equipment, and mechanical contrivances in varied states of readiness.
140. Now he was thinking about becoming a mechanical or electrical engineer.
141. The first year at university I had a very steady boyfriend who was doing a similar course as me but mechanical engineering.
142. They had built-in wardrobes in all bedrooms and a whole-house mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery.
143. In the other 14 patients, barium studies of the small and large intestine did not show any mechanical obstruction.
144. But the exercise of editing had become for him a mechanical one, and he was glad to be rid of it.
145. With the gradual introduction of mechanical clocks around the fourteenth century, hours of standard length became general.
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. But there are conservatives, who, while acknowledging the successes of quantum mechanical methods, caution against complacency.
147. In the survey mentioned above, the health sector was second only to mechanical engineering in the proportion of employers experiencing difficulties.
148. In his classes, he subjected students to the cackles of mechanical laugh boxes to test their reactions.
149. The twin arms of that mechanical gibbet forced his hands down into the liquid, which sizzled and steamed.
150. Birch showed considerable mechanical and artistic talent at an early age.
More similar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicHispanictechniciantake chargechangechancechannelexchangeby chancemerchantcommunicatechangeableincommunicadotake a chancecommunicationradicaltypicallogicalmusicalmedicalethicalunchangeablein exchange for
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