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Mechanical in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+11Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: chemicalSimilar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicMeaning: [mɪ'kænɪkl]  adj. 1. using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices 2. relating to or concerned with machinery or tools 3. relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics. 
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151. He told the story of what had occurred as if it were a natural phenomenon, not mechanical failing or human error.
152. She is like a mechanical musical doll that will perform a ponderous dance when some one turns the dial.
153. It employs mechanical means to organise molecules into a monolayer on the surface of a liquid.
154. The only difference is that this time the scope of our work is civil, mechanical and electrical.
155. It is the mobility of dislocations which accounts for the mechanical differences between metals and non-metals.
156. Take-off even in the conventional manner is a critical phase, unforgiving of mechanical failure or human error.
157. Its light flickered on and off for a moment, as if it was making itself comfortable in a mechanical kind of way.
158. And his gifts were not merely mechanical: he understood intuitively how to formulate concepts.
159. Research in other cell lines has suggested that the mechanical properties of the substratum are important in the maintenance of cellular differentiation.
160. Associative learning, which includes both classical and operant conditioning and emphasises mechanical connections or associations between events. 2.
161. Skeletal bone fillers Not all clinical applications demand the high mechanical strengths that are needed in dental crowns.
162. The third property of a polymer which affects its mechanical behaviour is the between-chain potential energy.
163. Some of the means used by the military to explain mechanical procedures are devastating in their banal degradation.
164. The engine of the big mechanical monster was ticking over with the deep throb of impatient,( reined-in horsepower.
165. The next industry to adopt the technique widely is likely to be mechanical engineering.
166. Mechanical tint a pre-printed sheet of dots, lines or patterns that can be laid down on artwork for reproduction.
167. The man claims he overheard cockpit conversation about mechanical problems, not paperwork.
168. The chapter on applications gives a good overview on optical, mechanical and chemical microsystems and components.
169. Obstruction covered all mechanical obstruction to the urinary tract, excluding prostatic disease.
170. Sanders estimates that. 08 percent of all trucks coming through are inspected for mechanical violations.
171. He said that no mechanical or electrical defect had been found in the lift after the accident.
172. Unlike many other coral types, mechanical damage does not necessarily mean death for leather corals.
173. Especially on the old machines, the mostly mechanical ones without all the fancy electronics and mind-numbing sound.
174. In the latter case, thermal expansion of the wire proportional to the heating is sensed by mechanical means.
175. Police say mechanical failure has not yet been ruled out.
175. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
176. Low payers were public administration, wholesale distribution, metal manufacture and mechanical engineering.
177. Eggs are packed in cartons with the large end uppermost to prevent mechanical damage to the egg.
178. But did you know that this mechanical wonder is celebrating its bicentennial?
179. The police admit there's little shopkeepers can do to protect their property from a mechanical digger.
180. The scale and spirit of the iron creatures on display brought to mind one image: mechanical dinosaurs without skin.
More similar words: mechanicmechanismtechnicalclinicalironicallytechnologicalpanicorganicHispanictechniciantake chargechangechancechannelexchangeby chancemerchantcommunicatechangeableincommunicadotake a chancecommunicationradicaltypicallogicalmusicalmedicalethicalunchangeablein exchange for
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