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Marx in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+3Posted:2017-05-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: marxismkarl marxmarmarymarsmarkmarshmarchMeaning: n. 1. United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1901-1979) 2. United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1893-1964) 3. United States comedian; one of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1891-1961) 4. United States comedian; oldest of four brothers who made motion pictures together (1890-1977) 5. founder of modern communism; wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848; wrote Das Kapital in 1867 (1818-1883). 
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241. The characteristic feature of all utopian plans from that of Plato down to that of Marx is the rigid petrification of all human conditions.
242. Arnold Kunzli, in his book Karl Marx - A Psychogram, writes about Marx's life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition.
243. The paper reveals that the theory of laboring axiology discovered by Marx can be used to the theoretical basis of the price making in our country.
244. Their claim, rather, is that the system has altered almost unrecognizably since the days of Marx, andthat this is why his ideas are no longer relevant.
245. When the police arrived, my hand was caught in the machinery as it roared uncontrollably, reprinting large passages of Marx down my bare back.
246. The process gets thrown off if we can't believe that another persons finds us attractive — like the Groucho Marx joke where we don't want to belong to a club that would have us for a member.
247. Three influential philosophers in this field have been Plato, John Locke and Karl Marx.
248. As thinkers in the same era, Simone Weil and Erich Fromm have many common points, they have been devoted to do research on philosophy of Karl Marx, and have vivid backgrounds in faith.
249. Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature.
250. Freud and Marx expounded the social development respectively from man's subjective life and the objective law of economic development.
251. Marx and Engels set forth the theory of Party - building.
252. Marx, in the introduction of Introduction to the Political Economy, put forward the theory of unbalance of material production and artistic production with explanations about unbalance.
253. This relationship was his terminus a quo when Marx researched in economics and wrote .
254. Marx took the liberation and happiness of mankind as his responsibility all his lifetime, and regarded the social harmony as the superordinate goals of human.
255. Modern radical economics grew from Ricardo ( and the labor theory of value ) and found its canon on Marx.
256. The dissimilation labor theory of Marx is had 2 heavy features and 2 serious effect.
257. Karl Marx left behind him a great revolutionary theory for us.
258. And, as every biography of Marx makes clear(, he was an anti-Semite .
259. The idea of the culture abnegation Marcuse brought up is not only the criticism to current tool's rationality, but also the change in the concept of phoniness Marx raised.
260. Marx initiated the theory of world history, but it was Lenin who had completed the development of Marxist theory of world history from uniline logic to double line logic.
261. Karl Marx is our hierophant both in study and in conducting-oneself.
262. Marx, here is a good man - a goddam hero.
263. In German Ideology, Marx and Engels point out that occasionality unveils the passivism of subject.
264. At this point the second stage of anarchism begins, that which arises from the thought of Bakunin, the contemporary of Marx.
265. The researches on Rosa Luxemburg's thought have undergone the diagrammatical transformation from "Return to Marx" to "Marxism" in 20th century.
266. Friedrich Engels used some of the profits of his successful textile business to support Karl Marx, the self-proclaimed gravedigger of capitalism.
267. "Marriage is a wonderful institution, " Groucho Marx once observed, "but who wants to live in an institution?
268. We will focus on practical activities of Marx, to find evolution of individuals. At first, Marx criticized the feudal autocracy and religious mysticism.
269. In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.
270. Then walk down past the giant statues of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, over the Spree river onto the "Museum Island."
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