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Majestic in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+2Posted:2016-10-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dignifiedeleganteminentgrandgrandiosegreathighimperialimposingimpressivekinglymagnificentnobleproudregalroyalsovereignstatelySimilar words: domesticplastictestifystick tostick outjusticetestingquestionMeaning: [mə'dʒestɪk]  adj. 1. majestic in manner or bearing; superior to mundane matters 2. having or displaying great dignity or nobility 3. belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler. 
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121. Among the seven Farnese portraits by Titian on view (seven Titian portraits in one room!), the most haunting may be that of a white-bearded, hunched over Pope Paul III, weary but majestic.
122. Likewise, if your desire is of majestic measure and your action is in the measure of your desire, you will produce a material body of majestic measure.
123. While sipping a Pina Colada makes you think of tropical beaches and cool breezes, this rye evokes the majestic beauty of Laurence of Arabia, in a sandstorm, on an ill tempered camel.
More similar words: domesticplastictestifystick tostick outjusticetestingquestionartisticestimateaestheticdo justicevestigialrealisticin questionfantasticchopstickestimateddestitutetestimonybombasticaestheticssuggestionstatisticsaltruisticclandestineoptimisticPalestinianinvestigateinteresting
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