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Luggage in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+32Posted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: baggagebagsSimilar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inMeaning: ['lʌgɪdʒ]  n. a case used to carry belongings when traveling. 
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61. He disembarrassed himself of his heavy luggage.
62. The baggage/luggage allowance for most flights is 20 kilos.
63. I always carry a first-aid kit in my luggage.
64. Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.
65. Searching luggage at airports is now standard practice.
66. He decamped from the hotel with someone else's luggage.
67. The dog was guarding its owner's luggage.
68. I reclaimed my suitcase from the left luggage office.
69. The luggage has been left behind.
70. I've put your luggage on the train.
71. Do you have a lot of luggage?
72. I'll take your luggage to your room(, Miss.
73. Send your luggage on in advance.
74. The luggage was plumbed by the customs inspector.
75. Does anyone claim this luggage?
76. Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car.
77. My luggage was overweight by five kilos.
78. Park your luggage here while you buy a ticket.
79. Mother sent my brother for the luggage.
80. I held your luggage together with mine.
81. You can't possibly take all that luggage with you.
82. Have you put tags on your luggage?
83. I booked the luggage through to London.
84. Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures.
85. For reasons of security,[] you are requested to keep your luggage with you at all times.
86. A thorough check is made before the luggage is put on the plane.
87. Her suitcase was precariously balanced on the tiny luggage rack above her head.
88. All carry-on luggage must be stored under your seat or in the overhead compartments.
89. Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.
90. Your luggage has hauled.
More similar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inmortgageengaged inengage withengagementluggagslugreggaebeggarplug indelugehaggardplug awaybraggartlong agoniggardlylugubriouspull the plugbraggadociolugubriouslybuggymugger
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