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Luggage in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+32 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-04-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: baggagebagsSimilar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inMeaning: ['lʌgɪdʒ]  n. a case used to carry belongings when traveling. 
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31. Two pieces of luggage have gone missing.
32. My big luggage could stow all of your clothes.
33. Our luggage was temporarily mislaid.
34. The luggage was shunted slowly into the lift.
35. She heaved her case down from the luggage rack.
36. I'll put the luggage in the boot.
37. Let me relieve you of your luggage.
38. Put the luggage on the roof of the car.
39. The porter was weighed down by all the luggage.
40. They searched his luggage for illegal drugs.
41. Our luggage was send ahead.
42. Most of our luggage was transported by sea.
43. There's room for one more piece of luggage.
44. Passengers are allowed one item of hand luggage each.
45. Put the luggage in the boot.
46. Any luggage over five kilos must be checked.
47. His luggage was lost in transit.
48. Do you have any carry-on luggage?
48. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
49. Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage.
50. My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack.
51. All luggage has to be scanned at the airport.
52. There isn't much space left for your luggage.
53. She planked down her luggage.
54. The bus was overloaded with tourists and their luggage.
55. I was loaded down with the heavy luggage.
56. You must check your luggage in before noon.
57. Make sure your luggage is properly labelled.
58. Paula had put out her luggage for the coach.
59. The luggage weighs 40 lbs.
60. We discovered that our luggage had been stolen.
More similar words: luggage compartmentsluggardbaggagebag and baggagesluggishengageengagedengage inmortgageengaged inengage withengagementluggagslugreggaebeggarplug indelugehaggardplug awaybraggartlong agoniggardlylugubriouspull the plugbraggadociolugubriouslybuggymugger
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