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Puppeteer in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: puppet showsteersupperuppervolunteerwhippetuppermostcharioteerMeaning: ['pʌpɪ'tɪr /-'tɪə]  n. one who operates puppets or marionettes. 
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1. Stage acts include acrobats, musicians and puppeteers.
2. That's the type of people puppeteers are.
3. Like many of the new generation of puppeteers, Tiplady grew interested in his trade through object animation rather than traditional marionettes.
4. A A wandering puppeteer goes to a town.
5. One puppeteer controls the doll's head, face, and right hand.
6. At the suggestion of puppeteer Michael Quinn, the Sullustan mask was altered to allow for use as a puppet.
7. In today's cartoon Rove is portrayed as the puppeteer controlling Bush's wealthy supporters in Texas (notice the Texas-style cowboy hat).
8. Puppets are happy to be puppets if puppeteer is a good puppeteer.
9. Mr. Sullivan is a professional puppeteer and Mrs. Sullivan isinterested in Photography and travel.
10. If a puppeteer can move a character's hips, leaving the knees and shoulders in place, as easily as can a pencil animator, why should it be harder in CG?
11. The puppeteer performed his "carrying pole drama" in the streets, because only one person pick a load of drama box could perform in street or village.
12. Sullivan is a professional puppeteer and Mrs. Sullivan isinterested in Photography and travel.
13. But there is a third hand on tap helping to protect their dream - that brilliant puppeteer Ray Harford.
14. There are folk singers, Morris Dancers, Live Theatre artistes and puppeteers.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
15. Andy the Mouse is a puppet, and John is a puppeteer.
16. As he spoke, he mimicked the act of chewing with his hands, moving his fingers up and down like a puppeteer bringing a slow-munching Pac-Man to life.
17. Learn how a Bunraku puppet arm control works in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
18. It is a fake identity through which a member of an Internet community discusses or comments on oneself or one's work, pretending to be a different person, like a puppeteer manipulating a hand puppet.
19. Salacious B. Crumb was an intricately detailed puppet controlled by Tim Rose, the same puppeteer who worked Admiral Ackbar.
20. Learn how to make a grip for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
21. Learn how to add guide markings for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
22. He is a genius. A mind games expert. A master puppeteer.
23. Learn how to join together tubes for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
24. Learn how to prepare a drill to make a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
25. Marionettes are puppets guided by strings attached to the body and limbs of the puppet. A puppeteer above the stage controls these strings.
26. Learn how to glue together parts for a Bunraku puppet arm control in this free puppetry lesson from an expert puppeteer.
27. Actually, when I was younger I wanted to be a puppeteer.
More similar words: puppet showsteersupperuppervolunteerwhippetuppermostcharioteerappetiteappetizersteer clear ofcompetepreteenpeter outcompetentunappetizingincompetentcompetencycompetencein the teeth oftete-a-tetepupiltop upprop upstep upslap-upkeep upcrop upwrap upsweep up
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