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Long-distance in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+6Posted:2017-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: distancein the distanceequidistanceassistanceresistancewind resistancepassive resistancenonviolent resistanceMeaning: adj. 1. of or relating to or being a long-distance telephone call 2. covering a long distance long distance. n. a telephone call made outside the local calling area. 
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211 Wireless communicating module was used to control the robot by long-distance.
212 The sculpt of this kind of car is so vagary, it's a car model in front, nonetheless cab cab be enlarge, high gives a camper in back, it's so suitable for long-distance outdoor travel.
213 By long-distance communication can materialize the long-distance monitoring, breakdown seeking and system upoanng.
214 A letter is the most basic form of long-distance communication.
215 First the Paper introduces Softswitch technology background and the development of the status quo of certain province Mobile tandem long-distance network and the need for Softswitch equipment.
216 It also implements the long-distance communication of OPCserver by use of DCOM technology.
217 The antifreezer for iron ore concentrates presented here is helpful to storage and to long-distance transport of iron ore concentrates in winter in the northern part of our country.
218 The point was that if the majority of long-distance traffic was shunted out of towns and cities, that the downtown centers of those places would become more pleasant to live, shop, and work.
219 Now she is making a long-distance call to the university.
220 There is long-distance medical system in the boat, aviate board has near one thousand square meters , can help many model copters rise and drop.
221 Compared with high voltage 220V, the DC low voltage is more secure, not easy to be thunder attacked, avoidence of transfusion on the long-distance line.
222 Focusing on a long-distance network connecting 383 brain regions and 6, 602 long-distance connections that function like highways to connect disparate regions of the brain.
223 I put through a long-distance call to a friend in Fuzhou this morning.
224 Deregulation of airlines, trucking, and long-distance telephone service are good examples during the past two decades.
225 The stress was researched correlation theory and the realization technique of the long-distance communication system , the control terrace and the user-administered system.
226 The influence of generator excitation system on stability of long-distance transmission system is great.
227 In the modern sea fight, aircraft-like missile is a revolution to submarine, it make submarine not only attack warship in long-distance and attack submarine(, but also attack target on earth.
228 The general correspondence school for village clinic doctors, the long-distance medical center and the training center for resident doctors of Yunnan province are set up at our college as well.
229 To enable long-distance communication, many telecommunication systems transmit radio signals via the ionosphere.
230 The state of the mobile device is sampled through the data acquisition terminal. The monitor system exchanges data with the server in the data processing center through WLAN for long-distance monitor.
231 "Nanshan Flying Fox" told reporters that two of netizens and his contacts, "female friend had reported in this long-distance trips on board encountered the same indecency .
232 The rate for a long-distance call is based on a minimum of 6 seconds.
233 The API of core carries out a service to transmit, appurtenant manage with cycle management, resource management and long-distance service.
234 Because a continuous signal can be propagated farther than a random signal, most long-distance communication systems transmit a continuous carrier wave, which is then modulated to convey data.
235 The skyrocketing price of gasoline has forced many Americans to cut back their long-distance trips.
236 The basic functions of the system include member registration, logging on, book demonstration, book inquiry, browsing online, long-distance purchase, long-distance transaction, and so on.
237 Your opinion though, is rather like the opinion of a long-distance runner who has finally made it past the winning post.
237 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
238 Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
239 Big developments in long-distance transmission lines, which are promised, could be most valuable of all.
240 The paper tells a long-distance control switching mechanism, describing its features and circuit operation principle in detail. It also presents the hardware circuit, and discusses the expanded usage.
More similar words: distancein the distanceequidistanceassistanceresistancewind resistancepassive resistancenonviolent resistanceantibiotic resistanceelectrical resistancelong-standinglongstandingstancedistantsubstanceinstancefor instancestand a chanceequidistantcircumstancehappenstancecircumstancesdisturbanceat the instance ofchemical substanceunder the circumstancesnot any longerlong sincestanchdecongestant
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