Similar words: vetting, setting, forgetting, abutting, jutting, fitting, sitting, blotting. Meaning: [let] n. property that is leased or rented out or let.
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211. The sentries at the Yalu River checkpoint aimed their rifles at me instead of letting me hurry across.
212. Letting the child play with food for a while without the expectation of eating it will reduce the tension around meal-times.
213. Hooking a fish and letting it suffocate in a creel is seemingly acceptable to all fishermen and many other people.
214. He had joined the ship just as we sailed, somehow browbeating the mate into letting him board.
215. That hurt him almost as much as when I slapped his face for not letting me escape.
216. Having such beautiful paintings and not letting the public see them is a criminal waste of the nation's art treasures.
217. He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed.
218. Swarf smiled in triumph,[] letting the body fall on to the ground.
219. But the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is angry that some other local authorities are letting agents get away with murder.
220. That's better than letting it drag and drag; you lose a lot of the vibe that way.
221. Nevertheless, as long as I am in this world I remain a sinner, still capable of letting him down.
222. I had once made the mistake of letting him do this.
223. Also too often they broke away only to lose the initiative by letting the cockney donkeys get back.
224. His hair and hands became caked in it, and Creamy showed no signs of letting up with the stinging jabs.
225. Both IE4 and Naviagtor 4 have navigation buttons on their toolbars that improve your journey by letting you taking shortcuts.
226. Beck had no intention of letting his report gather dust on the legislative shelves.
227. Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. Brene Brown
228. I wish people would stop buying helium balloons and letting them go.
229. He brought her into focus[], letting the boat drift out of mind.
230. And a couple of performers have trouble with the verse, galloping through the rhymes rather than letting them flow naturally.
231. Also, it does not easily take into consideration key interests in housing such as absentee landlords letting as a business.
232. Offended or not, she told herself, she must thank him excessively for his indulgence in letting her go down.
233. He bunched it and pulled at it, finally he pleated it between his knuckles, before letting it fall back.
234. A week later Takat Singh informed me that the women had changed their minds about letting me live with them.
235. Zoe talks her dad into letting her have driving lessons but she and Janine drive Garry to distraction.
236. Was it a good idea to launch our kids' lives as scientists simply by letting them mess around?
237. I started attending auction sales both locally and in London and gradually got the melin into shape for letting.
238. There seemed to be a weight on her chest, pinning her to the ground and not letting her breathe.
239. She got out of bed and drew back the curtains, letting in the sun.
240. From inside they hear a massive and hysterical scream of the friends letting out their true feelings.
More similar words: vetting, setting, forgetting, abutting, jutting, fitting, sitting, blotting, wittingly, unwitting, unwittingly, sitting room, transmitting, pettish, jettison, petticoat, spaghetti, pettifogger, unsettling, tinge, voting, rating, stingy, footing, writing, wanting, testing, molting, panting, hunting.