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Laden in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+11Posted:2017-01-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: loadedSimilar words: bladeaccoladedecadentdecadenceschadenfreudegladcladsaladMeaning: ['leɪdn]  v. 1. remove with or as if with a ladle 2. fill or place a load on. adj. 1. filled with a great quantity 2. burdened psychologically or mentally. 
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31. Omar bin Laden with his horse in Jeddah, 2007.
32. The table was laden with maps, charts, and books.
33. The urine is laden with leukocytes.
34. We're so laden with guilt.
35. Can the Science of Biogeography Find Osama Bin Laden?
36. Two mules well laden with packs were trudging along.
37. The rickety little waggon was already laden.
38. It didn't work: the banks, laden with bad loans, faced outsize insolvency problems, not just a shortage of liquid funds.
39. Aboard the USS Carl Vinson, the burial of bin Laden was done in conformance with Islamic precepts and practices.
40. And finally, President Obama gave the orders to Navy seal Team Six, an elite unit formerly denounced as "Cheney's death squad," that resulted in the long-awaited killing of Osama bin Laden.
41. However, the ageing former paediatrician has none of the charisma of Bin Laden.
42. The Naphtha Stipper Reboiler duty is not decreased proportionally to the laden methanol to be stripped.
43. The ship's shell plating was broken during loading in bad weather due to the collision with the large steel barges , laden with logs, staying alongside the port side of the ship.
44. Osama bin Laden plotted the toppling of the twin towers from Afghanistan.
45. Senegal has decided to tow the corpse - laden MS Joola to its own territorial waters.
46. And Special Operations commandos train their own dogs to accompany elite teams on secret missions like the Navy SEAL raid that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
47. It may turn out that bin Laden is hiding somewhere far away—in his family's ancestral homeland of southern Yemen, perhaps, or posing as a dreadlocked beachcomber in Costa Rica.
48. He breathes the sweet - laden night air and smells the earth.
49. The latest CNN poll, 56% of Americans support the public body photo of Osama bin Laden, 39% were opposed.
50. The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks.
51. Americans rejoiced over the announced execution of Osama bin Laden and made anonymous heroes of the Navy SEAL Team 6 that pulled off the coup.
52. High algae - laden water was treated respectively by single - recycle and step - recycle counter current flotation.
53. This time, United face Chelsea in a potential Barclays Premier League title-decider at Old Trafford on Saturday with the championship still on a knife edge and a run-in laden with pitfalls to come.
54. CommodoreJ C K Dowding led convoy P. Q. 17, consisting of 36 heavily laden Merchant Ships out of Reykjavik , on the 27th June, 1942.
55. Pakistan's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US special forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
56. His office-turned-bachelor-pad was also equipped with two fridges laden with energy drinks and sugar-coated snacks.
57. On either side, the brambles clambered over heather and gorse, laden with clusters of fruit, ripe for picking; a riot of black and green[], purple and yellow.
58. The hour-and-a-half-long debate began with questions about the killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden on Sunday and US policy in Afghanistan, the Middle East and North Africa.
59. Resolution 1617 carries forward a consolidated list of terrorists tied to the Taliban, Usama bin Laden, and Al-Qaida.
60. And to top it all off, Saddam Hussein, like Usama bin Laden, is still on the loose!
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