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Labeling in a sentence

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Sentence count:150Posted:2017-04-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: labelsinking feelingfeelingsgruelingunfeelingsnivelingcounselingfreewheeling
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91) The tests such as HE dye, still end labeling and gelose gel electrophoresis etc. have proved that the manner of cell death is apoptosis.
92) Definitude, clarity and stableness are the characteristics of ancient hairstyle with labeling function.
93) High-performance servomotor from Japan Mitsubishi is used with accurate positioning for labeling.
94) Generic drug application reviewers focus on bioequivalence data, chemistry and microbiology data, requests for plant inspection, and drug labeling information.
95) Mullins said labeling police waiving traffic tickets as corrupt is "ludicrous" because they don't do it in exchange for favors.
96) We are specialized in a package of beverage conveying, such as canning, sterilizing, labeling,[] packing.
97) Last month Paulson refrained from labeling China a currency manipulator in a semiannual report that urged the world's fastest-growing major economy to allow the yuan to appreciate faster.
98) Then we observe the change of myocardium enzymatic dynamics and detect myocyte apoptosis with electronic microscope and situ end labeling way.
99) And supermarkets often add to the confusion by labeling imported king crab "Alaskan King Crab, Imported."
100) Labeling operations should be designed to prevent mix-ups. There should be physical or spatial separation from operations involving other intermediates or APIs.
101) Region merging and splitting of the under-segmentation objects of the result of fuzzy segmentation are realized by weighted distance transform(, region labeling and some operations on morphology.
102) LW-200Horizontal Sticker Labeling Machine is widely used for such industries as food, medicine, fine chemical, cultural supplies and electronics and so no.
103) This is a list of foods and processed. Below is a list of vitamins and minerals "recommended" daily allowance set, refer to "the" food " labeling " regulations the second part of Table 6.
104) Error Proofing - Implement error proofing strategies for the control of materials, processes and labeling for all products. Implementation measured by %Error Proofed.
105) Methods The samples of non traumatic osteonecrotic femoral heads was used to detect the apoptosis of osteocytes and marrow cells by means of the methyl green pyronin staining and TUNEL labeling.
106) The recursively increasing threshold method is first proposed. Then the method of contour integration region labeling and the design of intensity homogeneity segmentation criterion are presented.
107) Labeling the feeling helps both the yeller and the receiver calm down and get a bit of perspective.
108) Regarding the labeling requirement, the packaging must comply with the GB/T 9750 standard. In additionally, when the product is passed this standard can also mark a label on the package.
109) In order to avoid the error decision in the presence of noise, the median filtering and connected region labeling is operated to eliminate the random noise and false stationary regions.
110) The Chinese agency says the two companies disguised the tainted food products by labeling them as exports not subject to quality inspection.
111) Semantic role labeling is a feasible proposal to shallow semantic parsing.
112) Application: Solid plastic bottle labeling, Ampoule labeling, paper round bottles, vials labeling, labeling and pen.
113) Finally, Effective features of semantic Role Labeling of Questions were analyzed according to the experimental results, and the difference between question and declarative sentence was discussed.
114) In this article 6-link mechanism is used for delivering label on labeling machine.
115) Labeling the codewords by the nearest selecting method and using the presented algorithm, secret data can be embedded in the codewords ' indexes of VQ coded image.
116) Even Horace Mann, the best known of the education reformers in the 1840s, lamented the slow progress of his efforts, labeling his opponents as "an extensive conspiracy" of "political madmen."
117) The changes would affect the labeling of the box and the immediate container the drugs.
118) A fast connected component labeling algorithm based on the run - length code is presented.
119) This paper proposes a new DNA algorithm of minimal vertex covering problem based surface by using the method of fluorescence labeling.
120) Based on basic graphs of image labeling, an automaton, with the boundary chain code as its outputs, for the boundary recognition of the two-value digital images, is constructed.
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