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Inwards in a sentence

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Sentence count:71Posted:2016-11-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inwardinwardlyas regardsawardtowardforwardhardwareafterwardMeaning: ['ɪnwə(r)dz]  adv. 1. to or toward the inside of 2. toward the center or interior. 
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31. While there were fewer portrayals of contemporary life than in Soviet art, not all western artists looked inwards.
32. She shrank inwards as an icy blast of air enveloped her.
33. If there are two lines then it is a good idea to have the chairs facing inwards so that the teams face each other.
34. Their heads always turn either to right or left: one of their eyes turns inwards, the other upwards.
35. Most of us have tendencies to pass information outwards rather than to allow it inwards.
36. At last, however, the door fell inwards upon the carpet.
37. Brown stains caused by small flames crept inwards. Wake up.
38. Brownies stand in a circle facing inwards with their legs apart.
39. Divorced from any clear patronage, western artists were free to look inwards and to ignore the tastes of the masses.
40. With hands clasped behind and palms facing inwards, raise the arms 30 times, lifting them a little higher with each count.
41. With agonising slowness the great gates swung inwards and Jamie found himself confronting ... a bear.
42. With the back of the hands facing inwards, place one hand over the other.
43. It can be wrapped around various parts of the body(, with the steel wool side inwards.
44. But certainly some ebullience in me was checked, held in and turned inwards.
45. With hands clasped behind and palms facing inwards, raise the arms 35 times, aiming slightly higher with each count.
46. Don't let your feet roll inwards and keep your knees over the toes!
47. Doors that swing inwards present the problem of curtain fabric interfering with the operation of the doors.
48. The three most complete furnaces were built on or against a wall and faced inwards.
49. Reverse and wear with specks facing inwards thereafter.
50. Does that window open inwards or outwards?sentence dictionary
51. Fear tends to make us focus inwards.
52. Does this door open inwards or outwards?
53. Every surface refers, for its reality, inwards.
54. The door opened inwards, so I pushed it.
55. Caudal edges have to be straight or curving outwards, and not bending inwards.
56. If your running shoes are not fitting properly, whether the arch is not the right size for your foot, or the shoe is causing you to pronate inwards or outwards, you're going to run into problems.
57. Turn inwards , and you will realize how many thoughts arise within.
58. The disease struck inwards.
59. Now you must inwards.
60. Keeping your heels on the ground, turn your feet inwards.
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