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Indicate in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: demonstratedisclosedisplayexhibitexpresshintimplypoint outpresentrevealshowsignifysuggestSimilar words: indicatorindicationdedicatemedicationdelicatecomplicatedcommunicatesophisticatedMeaning: ['ɪndɪkeɪt]  v. 1. be a signal for or a symptom of 2. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively 3. to state or express briefly 4. give evidence of 5. suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine. 
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151) Such confirmations merely indicate that some theory that was well established and regarded as unproblematic has been successfully applied once again.
152) Her words were followed by applause to indicate that everyone agreed.
153) These out-of-position stars indicate that something has deeply disturbed the way things were in the galaxy.
154) About $ 33 per computer, with stickers on the computer screen to indicate compliance.
155) Indicate these by placing them in a chronological order and the specific amount of time required to complete them.
156) These terms will be used to indicate relationships between discourse participants and elements in the discourse.
157) The long axis of the bar is vertical and the dotted lines indicate our line of sight to the Galactic Centre.
158) For the second consecutive month, manufacturers indicate they expect to increase output in the next four months.
159) Instead he spent long hours alone, reading memoranda, and making check marks to indicate the recommendations that he ap-proved.
160) In this way they may indicate a preference as to which particular difficulty will be addressed first.
161) I want to indicate that the decision to get involved in a dilemma is the real decision.
161) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162) Among those considered most likely to attend a caucus, there appears to be less support for Forbes than the polls indicate.
163) The findings indicate why groups such as the Pearl are finding it heavy going in their core business activity.
164) Research seems to indicate that how parents manage the divorce process is the critical factor for children rather than the divorce perse.
165) You indicate in detail how key concepts are identified and measured in actual research settings.
166) The titles of these essays indicate that the terms in which historians were writing about abstract expressionism had refocused art history.
167) From there, indicate that you want to clarify a few points so this type of problem does not occur again.
168) Tests indicate that the increased calorie content of the faeces amounts to nearly ten percent when people follow high-fibre diets.
169) Since Edinburgh's licensing laws were liberalised in the 1970s, Lothian and Borders police statistics indicate that late-night violence has escalated.
170) Indicate your views about the likely causal relationship between these two variables by selecting the appropriate percentages in each case.
171) Such lists are also used by contractors to indicate possible opportunities for submission of tenders.
172) Temporal variations of solid concentrations at that level indicate the relative abundance of particles whose diameters may be calculated.
173) Benedettini clawed the ball out with his right hand, but a linesman raised his flag to indicate a goal.
174) The rectangles drawn around the row numbers indicate the rows on which you knit with the background colour.
175) This is used to indicate the clock speed of computers.
176) These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria.
177) These brief examples are given, in bare outline, to indicate some possible procedures.
178) Theoretical arguments also indicate that multicellular neural systems can enter domains of chaotic behavior.
179) Many City pundits believe that new debt to equity ratios indicate how confident companies are about investments.
180) The data indicate that dimorphism in adult size may be associated with mortality bias differences brought about by dissimilar adult life styles.
More similar words: indicatorindicationdedicatemedicationdelicatecomplicatedcommunicatesophisticatedcommunicate withIndianradicalmedicalindigenousdictatecandidateeducatelocatepublicationapplicationimplicationcategoryadvocatecommunicationtruncatedidentificationesterificationtelecommunicationsverdictpredictjudicial
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