Synonym: blackguard, bounder, cad, dog, hound, list, reheel. Similar words: wheelchair, feel, peel, kneel, steel, feel out, freely, sheer. Meaning: [hɪːl]
n. 1. the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation 2. the back part of the human foot 3. someone who is morally reprehensible 4. one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread 5. the lower end of a ship's mast 6. (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft. v. 1. tilt to one side 2. follow at the heels of a person 3. perform with the heels 4. strike with the heel of the club 5. put a new heel on.
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121. And extra adhesion is given by the positive heel step, which is quite distinct.
122. Far and away the most interesting aspect of this guitar is the neck block and heel design.
123. These are interchangeable heel implants for protection in training or extra lift in competition - simply by switching the implant.
124. With that, he turned on his heel and strode into his cabin, slamming the door behind him.
125. Then he turned on his heel and strode from the room.
126. My left heel was being rubbed by a piece of leather.
127. Heel of the palm: Fast and less prone to injury than a punch.
128. Becky put her heel on the nearest piece of broken glass, and crushed it.
129. And armed with these little words of wisdom, we can all go out and make the world heel.
130. I had to fold my leg sideways so I could use my right heel to rest my left foot against.
131. A textile toecap and a plastic shield wrapped around the heel add stiffening.
132. Now she turned on her heel and, careless of the pain, headed blindly for the door.
133. Cara had one very big Achilles' heel - Barnaby Stewart.
134. Open the back, and with the heel of your hand, press the center of the breastbone firmly to flatten it.
135. The heel of one of them might massage his arm or the rough texture of his cheek.
136. It showed up the Achilles heel of the government - its excessively dictatorial tendencies.
137. Too easy to fall off and be dragged around by the heel.
138. Many outsoles now combine the two and use the carbon rubber in the heel or other high impact points.
139. Using the fingers of your hand or even the heel of your palm, stop him or her moving towards you.
140. Take a step backwards with your left leg, keeping leg straight and left heel firmly on floor.
141. He flipped a cigarette to the sidewalk and ground it out with a quick turn of his heel.
142. Brown has been bothered by torn tissue in his right heel since early in training camp.
143. She turned on her heel and vanished into the murk.
144. His eyes were riveted to the overhead screen while the heel of his right foot tapped nervously on the floor.
145. Sadly, they split them down the heel, sorry indeed to ruin so valuable an item.
145. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
146. Derry's achilles heel so far in the current campaign has been a lacklustre, inconstant midfield.
147. If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel, then Miss Roocroft's is still her cloudy diction.
148. If beauty is the chink in our perilously thin female armor, motherhood is our Achilles' heel.
149. Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
150. Lois made a small feathering gesture with her hand and stamped her heel silently.
More similar words: wheelchair, feel, peel, kneel, steel, feel out, freely, sheer, sheet, cheek, cheer, feel like, cheese, in the end, cheer up, at the end of, by the end of, finite element, in the event of, at the expense of.