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Flora in a sentence

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Sentence count:250Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: botanyplantplant lifevegetationSimilar words: floridexplorationflourfloutflowflopfloatflockMeaning: ['flɔːrə]  n. 1. all the plant life in a particular region or period 2. a living organism lacking the power of locomotion. 
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151. Result The flora number in air before and after ultraviolet disinfection had statistical significance, while the flora number in the surface of air-condition's filter had no statistical significance.
152. Methods We test and analyzed 334 main nosogenic flora of pneumonia patients sputum culture between May 2001 to June 2003 in our hospital.
153. The geographical distribution and habitats of Potamogeton flora in Shaanxi.
154. Ulmaceae, Betulaceae and Leguminosae are the predominant families of the leaf flora both in species diversity and specimen quantity.
155. Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker, Tony Flora , about a housing loan.
156. The results indicated that the discreteness of datasets of plant diversity and flora differentiation increased from families to genera and species.
157. An analysis of the floristic elements and their foliar physiognomy shows that most members of the flora are deciduous broad-leaved trees or shrubs with a few evergreen shrubs.
158. Observations were made on alteration of intestinal flora, feces condition and direct smear result of caecal content in each group.
159. Poorness, unique and ancientness are intrinsic attributes of Gobi desert flora in the Centre Asia.
160. The complex flora has been used for treating oil refinery wastewater. And the flora can produce Rhamnose lipids bio-surfactant to reduce surface tension of wastewater.
161. Flora, a female Komodo dragon, reproduced asexually at Chester Zoo in Britain in December 2006.
162. Iron is the highest in leaves of pinus densi flora. Zinc is the highest in bark of quercus mongolica Fisch.
163. Results These patients had been used a lot of drugs, in which lead to normal bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract disappear, bacteria occur transversion , immunity low and diarrhea occur .
164. There is a classical reference in the pose of the figure under the shower; she comes from Poussin 's Triumph of Flora in the Louvre.
165. Objective:To provide reference for prevention and treating periodontitis by comparing the subgingival flora of type-2 DM patients of chronic periodontitis with non-DM periodontitis.
166. Objective:Based on the microecological principle, lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the autochthonous flora in gastrointestinal tract of healthy flounders.
167. This National Park is an area with unique fauna and flora.
168. The tropical and sub- tropical taxa are predominant, taking up 75% of seed plant flora.
169. Analysis of genera flora indicates the temperate component (50.0%) is slightly more than tropics component (45.5%), and the Pantropic component is the most.
170. After floristic analysis, this paper agree that Yangmingshan flora belongs to East - China Province , Holarctic Kingdom.
171. Flora Manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body.
172. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the IBF of the patients with chronic digestive diseases and its relationship with the intestinal bacterial flora.
173. Chang thinks of this signal detection as a kind of "bacteriostat" mechanism: our cells are monitoring CSF as a way of detecting and adapting to important changes in the gut flora.
174. This paper studied the growth of the acidolysis and enzymolysis products with different molecular weight of fenugreek neutral polysaccharide on the intestinal flora.
174. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
175. In this paper, coefficient of similarity analysis was used to study flora similarity of mountain bryophyte in Xinjiang.
176. The results of flora diversity study showed that the flora composition of the myxomycetes from Changbai Mountains was very rich.
177. Glaciers are receding worldwide, sea levels are rising, flora and fauna are adapting by shifting their ranges poleward.
178. One day Flora Manhood felt her embryonic inspiration ready to convert itself into a positive event.
179. The spermatophyte flora consists of 1243 species in 664 genera and 161 families.
180. Contact lens, HIV positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls.
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