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Faded in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+22Posted:2017-06-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fadefade infade awayfadelessjadedheadedbeadedloadedMeaning: ['fædɪd]  adj. 1. having lost freshness or brilliance of color 2. reduced in strength. 
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181. The daylight faded and she was alone on the sea.
182. He flicks the ash off his faded blue jeans and lights up another cigarette.
183. Spider faded out, squinting past the windshield as some guy approached the car.
184. They had eaten the delicious meal to the sound of the river flowing past while the sun faded behind the skyline.
185. The thrill and glamour of traveling the world for tennis tournaments has faded for her.
186. Angelakos, 76 and retired since 1990, says the physical damage and emotional effects of his encounter have faded.
187. Bernice craned her neck, trying to catch the barely-audible echoes before they faded.
188. There were many conflicting smells -- musty scents suggestive of faded perfumes, herbal teas, and an aging woman.
189. Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight.
190. My words have been grubby confetti, faded, tacky, blown far from the wedding feast.
191. He was wearing a black bomber jacket(, red T-shirt and faded jeans.
192. There was a telephone, a chair upholstered in worn, black leather and bookshelves full of faded dusty books.
193. The blue glow faded from the ring and it was an ordinary looking gem once again.
194. My aunts seemed very far away, faded, sepia photographs stuck in some childhood album.
195. Clean swept floors, no faded blooms or tired houseplants are good indications of good husbandry and therefore reliable product.
196. Unfortunately, time took its toll: By 1900 the fiesta had largely faded from view.
196. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
197. Before the two note ding-dong had faded, a baby had started to howl inside.
198. He dressed quickly in faded denim jeans and a black T-shirt and sat opposite her at the little mahogany table.
199. The fireball passed over the northern horizon and had nearly faded from view when the sky was lit by a tremendous flash.
200. Only the faded sashes they wore, and the weapons they carried, marked them as anything but ordinary folk fleeing the marauders.
201. And he was dressed only in faded jeans, his torso quite bare, his dark curly hair falling over his forehead.
202. The sky burned white-hot, then slowly faded through yellow and orange to a glowering copper-red.
203. She was a tall, big-boned woman whose straight blond hair was faded, and tinged with gray.
204. He was wearing a faded blue shirt, an old pair of linen trousers and espadrilles.
205. Brown wrote his novels and faded back into his first love like a man whose ego needed fresh air and nothing more.
206. The orange glow to their right faded but did not disappear.
207. But it soon faded in the economic boom of the 1950s and 1960s.
208. Once on deck he stopped to admire Ellen who was dressed in a brief pair of shorts and a faded tank top.
209. The gaslights flickered softly, and as the time passed the surroundings no longer seemed faded and threadbare but rich and sumptuous.
210. Soon the neat stores were replaced by faded brownstones and tumbledown colonial houses.
More similar words: fadefade infade awayfadelessjadedheadedbeadedloadeddreadedpleadeddegradedthreadedpigheadedblockadedhardheadedbarricadedbullheadedclear-headedlevelheadedtrade deficitmuddleheadedtrade discountfadfadingfaddishintifadacall a spade a spadededucededucthanded
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