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Blockaded in a sentence

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Sentence count:35+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: blockageblockblockedlockflocklock outo'clocklockerMeaning: [blɒ'keɪd]  adj. preventing entry or exit or a course of action. 
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(1) They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement.
(2) Employees blockaded the entrance to the offices.
(3) The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire.
(4) All the ports had been blockaded.
(5) Truck drivers have blockaded roads to show their anger over new driving regulations.
(6) The Estonian port of Tallinn was blockaded for a time by Soviet warships.
(7) The harbour was blockaded, so the ships had to lay off.
(8) The ships blockaded the port.
(9) The clashes came as farmers blockaded roads.
(10) A US fleet blockaded the port of Veracruz.
(11) Then, ports and Belfast International Airport were blockaded for days.
(12) To draw attention to their plight[], they blockaded the road in the hope that it would get them priority for repairs.
(13) In June 1948 the Russians blockaded the western sectors of Berlin.
(14) In the southern state of Tabasco, farmers blockaded 60 oil wells in February to demand compensation from Pemex.
(15) Ships blockaded the port.
(16) In the early weeks of 1979, ports were blockaded, the dead left unburied, rubbish piled high in the streets.
(17) Blockaded the road in front of his house.
(18) The police blockaded the venue and began the investigation.
(19) The path was blockaded by snow.
(20) The town is blockaded by the enemy navy.
(21) Later the war spread out. German was blockaded all round, the supply all goods was tight.
(22) His strong opposition blockaded any chance of the bill's being passed.
(23) By late August 1781, French ships had blockaded Yorktown so that no British reinforcements could reach Cornwallis.
(24) Police vehicles kept patrolling the blockaded streets including Xinhua South Road and Renmin Road Monday night.
(25) Two blockaded nozzles used for rare - earth - treated 16 MnRE steel were dissected and investigated by macro - and micr - oexaminations.
(26) Shipping lines have been avoiding the southern ports in fear of having their vessels blockaded.
(27) A decade of benign neglect of energy policies has been abruptly spotlighted in the blockaded streets of London, Brussels and Paris.
(28) You show the work of a powerful and original although blockaded imagination.
(29) The US and Britain airlift supplies into a Berlin blockaded by the USSR.
(30) About 50,000 people are trapped in the town, which has been blockaded for more than 40 days.
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