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Error in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+29Posted:2016-09-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: computer errorerroneous belieferroneousnessfaultmisplaymistakewrongdoingSimilar words: terrorterroristterrorismhorrorjurorterrainharrownarrowMeaning: ['erə]  n. 1. a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention 2. inadvertent incorrectness 3. a misconception resulting from incorrect information 4. (baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficed 5. departure from what is ethically acceptable 6. (computer science) the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer 7. part of a statement that is not correct. 
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121. The government estimates that its borrowing requirement this year could reach £150 billion, subject to a wide margin of error.
122. The bill was sent to the wrong person because of a computer error.
123. The error occurred when someone left out the decimal point.
124. We discovered the ideal mix of paint by trial and error.
125. If they believe that solution would wash with the Haitian people, they are making a dramatic error.
126. Pilot error, to wit failure to follow procedures, was the cause of the accident.
127. Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error.
128. An error message is printed out and the programme ends.
129. No payments were made last week because of a computer error.
130. They didn't know how to put in a central heating system, but they managed it by trial and error.
131. It is a common error for people to fancy others in their own situation.
132. The bank has agreed to give an immediate refund in the unlikely event of an error being made.
133. He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go.
134. The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.
135. The margin of error was plus or minus three percentage points.
136. The decision to expand the company was an error of judgement.
137. The plane crash was caused by human error, not mechanical failure.
138. He made the fatal error of borrowing more than he could pay back.
139. Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.
140. The lawyer parted error from crime for him in court.
141. He worded the reply in such a way that he did not admit making the original error.
142. I think you have made an error in calculating the total.
143. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 per cent.
144. I keep getting an error message when I try to log on.
145. Jones used to be a thief,[] but now he's seen the error of his ways and is trying to rebuild his life.
146. Almost all accidents start with a simple error by the pilot.
147. The paper accidentally printed the victim's address, then compounded their error by printing her name the next day.
148. The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.
149. Available evidence points to pilot error as the cause of the crash.
150. An error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident.
More similar words: terrorterroristterrorismhorrorjurorterrainharrownarrowcarrotterriblyterrificsooner or laterinterruptterritorysurroundaberrationarrogancecorrosionsurrounding
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