Similar words: dishonest, dishonor, amnesty, honest, honestly, dish out, earnestness, travesty. Meaning: [-tɪ] n. 1. the quality of being dishonest 2. lack of honesty; acts of lying or cheating or stealing.
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61. Alterations made afterwards have a tendency to show; those which do not show may be examples of dishonesty by the surveyor.
62. The report accuses both politicians of dishonesty and of misrepresenting the facts.
63. Honesty is an expensive virtue, and no one is really 100% honest. People are by nature half- honest and half- hypocritical, and they naturally choose to be hypocritical if doing so is beneficial to them. There is always a constant struggle between honesty and dishonesty, but nothing can replace honesty in a pleasant, healthy and happy life. Dr T.P.Chia
64. His intention to repay the equivalent amount was relevant to dishonesty, not to the intention permanently to deprive.
65. Dishonesty is always one way of climbing the ladder of success, but dishonest intentions and manipulations are more prone to fail. Dr T.P.Chia
66. In business and politics, honesty is a luxury, and dishonesty is a good companion. Dr T.P.Chia
67. Many companies institutionalize dishonesty and exploitation of expenses by paying daily allowances.
68. Ken Gillance, defending, said Summersgill became involved in dishonesty because he needed money to feed his drug habit.
69. There is a certain dishonesty, or at least a limitation of truth(, in presenting only historical facts.
70. It's an act of straight-out dishonesty.
71. It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.
72. Oppose cheating and dishonesty at all time.
73. No dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible in science.
74. Such dishonesty goes against the grain.
75. But does not necessarily connote dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery.
76. Not even dishonesty can tarnish the shine of profit.
77. His dishonesty will redound on him.
78. He was sent to Coventry for his dishonesty.
79. Does high taxation put a premium on business dishonesty?
80. The marker or invigilator suspecting academic dishonesty will submit a written report to the programme leader. The assignment will be marked as normal.
81. In life, I think honesty and dishonesty are more graspable and humane.
82. Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible.
83. At a time when the nation is obsessed with sloganeering about honesty ... dishonesty is still a plague.
84. Vinella cautions that he does not think Goldman will go out of business, but said the high-profile accusations of dishonesty and double-dealing can wear on a bank's reputation.
85. It really get my dander up when she begin accusing me of dishonesty.
86. My feeling toward my new friend underwent a revulsion whenIrealizedhiscrueltyand dishonesty.
87. It is their dishonesty that causes them to come to grief.
88. Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
89. Turkish newspapers on Thursday accused Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish leaders of dishonesty and unreliability, saying they promised much but delivered virtually nothing.
90. This shows the dishonesty of scare mongers, such as yourself. Nope.
More similar words: dishonest, dishonor, amnesty, honest, honestly, dish out, earnestness, travesty, lifestyle, Your Majesty, bishop, chondrogenesis, nest, dish, soonest, earnest, outlandish, fiendish, childish, anesthetic, earnestly, establish, dishearten, kinesthetic, disharmony, hornet's nest, inestimable, distinguish, distinguished, establishment.