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Deliberate in a sentence

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Sentence count:253+11Posted:2016-11-10Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: considereasyleisurelymeditateponderreflectslowstudythink overunhurriedAntonym: hastySimilar words: deliberatelyliberateliberalberatedelicateoperateameliorategenerateMeaning: [dɪ'lɪbərət]  v. 1. think about carefully; weigh 2. discuss the pros and cons of an issue. adj. 1. by conscious design or purpose 2. with care and dignity 3. produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation 4. marked by careful consideration or reflection 5. carefully thought out in advance. 
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91) The rapid fire of questions was deliberate, she knew, designed to scare her into blurting out the truth.
92) From the economy's viewpoint, resources devoted to lobbying the government or maintaining deliberate over-capacity may also be largely wasted.
93) The place did have a very deliberate clean, didn't it?
94) It was intended as a mark of possession - passionless, deliberate.
95) He had carried out a deliberate act causing unnecessary suffering and cruelty.
96) Its very imperfection is powerful testimony of its ancient history, a history of step-by-step change rather than of deliberate design.
97) This should have been a deliberate policy on your part.
97) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
98) Was the incident the result of some deliberate action on your part?
99) The Beginnings of Agriculture Writers on early human culture offer different times and places for the beginnings of deliberate planting and harvesting.
100) This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.
101) It was a deliberate attempt to prevent the truth from being known.
102) He or she may have emotional problems that result in occasional deliberate binges but that is not necessarily alcoholism.
103) His abrupt style seems to represent a deliberate technique for saving time and avoiding confusion.
104) The legislation also provides a deterrent against deliberate neglect of historic buildings.
105) There seem to be three main reasons why employers take a deliberate decision not to consult.
106) The extraordinary thing is that reviewing isn't done more often as a systematic deliberate process.
107) It should be pointed out that a deliberate knock-on can still be penalised by a penalty kick.
108) The obvious talking point after the game was the deliberate knock-down by David Campese, which prevented the ball reaching Rory Underwood.
109) Private pension scheme tax concessions grew as part of deliberate policy.
110) You can also use the spelling checker to identify and correct deliberate spelling mistakes made to speed text entry.
111) The Hashemite regime neglected the West Bank as a matter of deliberate policy.
112) What effect would a deliberate attempt to change this image have?
113) Substantial sums have been spent in the deliberate search for medicinal plants, and they have seldom been rewarded.
114) This must be a deliberate decision on the part of Benetton, in order to complement their slogan.
115) A deliberate shift of focus for health promotion could encourage people in their 20s to give up smoking.
116) For the record Twentieth-century Old Masters Joni, deliberate counterfeiter or creative artist?
117) But the difference really shows in the deliberate attempt to abandon traditional forms of school discipline.
118) He slid his cheek against hers and, moving with delicious deliberate slowness, he kissed her on the lips.
119) As Rostov watched, he seemed to make a deliberate effort to compose himself.
120) He hadn't made a deliberate decision to keep her out of his private and professional life.
More similar words: deliberatelyliberateliberalberatedelicateoperateameliorategeneratemoderatedesperatecooperatetoleratereiterateexaggerateinveterateadulteratedesperatelyacceleratecooperate withlibellibelousfibersubscriberdelightdeliverdeliveryfidelityguidelinedeliriousdelightful
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