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Declaration in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+10Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: announcementannunciationcontractproclamationresolutionresolveSimilar words: declaration of independencedeclarativeexhilarationdeclaredeclaredreclamationclarificationdecorationMeaning: [‚deklə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. a statement that is emphatic and explicit (spoken or written) 2. (law) unsworn statement that can be admitted in evidence in a legal transaction 3. a statement of taxable goods or of dutiable properties 4. (contract bridge) the highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make 5. a formal public statement 6. a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote. 
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91 If you can not complete the declaration without qualification, the sum assured may also have to be reduced under your Bond.
92 On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.
93 The declaration exposed him to accusations of hypocrisy after each revelation of arms sales to dubious regimes.
94 Devon and West Torridge: Friday afternoon declaration could make this a crucial seat.
95 His philosophy was embodied in the declaration of principles at Cincinnati in 1877,( founding modern penology.
96 Schafer could issue a state disaster declaration and request a Presidential Disaster Declaration as soon as Friday.
97 The applicant sought a declaration and/or prerogative orders to identify the lawful decisions and correct any unlawful decisions.
98 The judge dismissed the action but the Court of Appeal allowed the plaintiffs' appeal and granted the declaration sought.
99 She sought a declaration that the coroner had a duty to hold an inquest into the death.
100 What emerged was a declaration broadly supporting the anti-crisis programme, but altering it in several crucial respects.
101 Secondly it is a declaration that meritocracy does not operate by default.
102 Collin Peterson, D-Minn, called on Ventura to seek the declaration.
103 It is noteworthy that the application sought relief in the shape of a declaration, injunctions and damages.
104 His marriage was a declaration of independence: of personal and political maturity.
105 They advocated a declaration of independence and, by implication, a war of independence.
106 Eight of them had signed the Declaration of Independence eleven years before.
107 He then sought a declaration that A.P.E.X. was not entitled to do this.
108 In short, the Declaration of Rights can be said to have confirmed the legal sovereignty of Parliament.
109 A renunciation of Oliver and a declaration of true love for Miranda herself?
110 He said federal agriculture agencies in North Dakota handle those assessments, which don't require a state disaster declaration first.
111 Any such explanation must inevitably end with a declaration of his honourable intentions towards Clare.
112 The artistic, literary value of adventure stories for the young is hampered by this kind of declaration of intent.
113 The declaration may also require prior authorisation by the competent authority to be obtained in each particular case.
114 The declaration was passed by 355 votes to four with one abstention.
115 Scheer is the proud owner of a copy of the Declaration of Independence.
116 This meeting followed the ratification on Dec. 10 and 12 of the CIS declaration by the original signatories' Supreme Soviets.
117 Stockton was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a pretty exclusive club.
118 The invitation makes no declaration of superior knowledge, it demands no acceptance of a higher authority.
119 They issued a declaration that it will be attempting to take over another three British companies.
120 The policies of autarchy represented the regime's attempt to implement that declaration of intent.
More similar words: declaration of independencedeclarativeexhilarationdeclaredeclaredreclamationclarificationdecorationseparationreparationpreparationreparationsexhilaratingratificationgratificationacclamationexclamationdeclamatoryself-gratificationrationproclamationrationedorationpolarizationdurationoperationrationalclassificationdecolonizationadoration
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