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Connective in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2Posted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionMeaning: [-ktɪv]  n. 1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 2. an instrumentality that connects. adj. connecting or tending to connect. 
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91) A stain highlights the collagenous connective tissue of pulmonary fibrosis in blue.
92) Results The pineal capsule was composed of a layer flattened epithelial cells and a subepithelial connective tissue.
93) Mesoderm --- The middle germ layer in the early embryo; the source of cells that go on to make bones, muscles, connective tissue, heart, hematopoietic system, kidney, and other organs.
94) Another barrier to water-soluble drugs is the glial connective tissue cells (astrocytes), which form an astrocytic sheath close to the basement membrane of the capillary endothelium.
95) Osteogenesis imperfecta(OMIM 166200)is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by bone fragility and abnormalities of connective tissue.
96) The argyrophil cells in the cecum mainly distribute in the connective tissue.
97) Compared to free gingival graft, subepithelial connective tissue graft or guided tissue regeneration, the indication of semilunar coronally positioned flap in root coverage is more limited.
98) Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments.
99) The normal diploic space is replaced by fibrous connective tissue with numerous large vascular channels.
100) Although gouty arthritis is a common metabolic disorder, and the gouty tophi may be deposited in the joints and juxtaarticular connective tissue, its affliction of the axial spine is relatively
101) Results: During the mouse ovarian cycle somatostatin cells were found in the lamina propria of the endometrium and around the uterine glands and in the connective tissue among the myometrium.
102) Connective tissue nevi are uncommon hamartomas that may be acquired or may manifest an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.
103) There are three types of syntheses in desiring machine: Connective synthesis, disjunctive synthesis, and conjunctive synthesis.
104) To study effects of ketotifen on mucosal mast cells(MMC) and connective tissue mast cells(CTMC)in stress induced rat gastric mucosal damage.
105) The wall of the sausage-shaped testis is composed of connective tissue and germinal epithelium inside.
106) Results The neurohypophysis was composed of unmyelinated nerve fibres, pituicytes and connective tissue abound in blood capillaries.
107) Marfan's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the connective tissue in the body.
108) The results show that, there are typical Golgi apparatus in spermatogonium, they are located near the nuclear membrane, and the saccules are connected by connective tubules.
109) A relatively inactive , immobile macrophage found in normal connective tissue.
110) Collagens are a group of proteins in the dermis, the connective tissue layer of the skin, and are responsible for the strength of skin.
111) This trichrome stain demonstrates the collapse of the liver parenchyma with viral hepatitis. The blue-staining areas are the connective tissue of many portal tracts that have collapsed together.
112) A trichrome stain highlights the collagenous connective tissue of pulmonary fibrosis in blue.
113) At present, the research of function of inference is mainly consisted of connective inference and elaborative inference.
114) Connective tissues, joint fluid, and cartilage contain two - component polysaccharides, including heparin.
115) The lymphocyte-mediated inflammatory process affects the extraocular muscles, periorbital fat and connective tissues.
116) The arachnoid is composed of connective tissue devoid of blood vessels.
117) Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue and lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system.
118) Results Hanges were observed in blood vessels, connective tissue, muscular and interstitial tissue and rectal mucosa of incarcerated hemorrhoid with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells.
119) ResultsThe blood vessels and capillaries in monkey pineal body existed only in the connective tissue of capsule and interlobular septum, those did not in the pineal parenchymal lobules.
120) Interestingly, for females this cavity begins to fill in with age. The pulp is composed of a highly vascular tissue (blood vessels and nerves), which is amongst unspecialized connective tissue.
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