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Connective in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2Posted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionMeaning: [-ktɪv]  n. 1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 2. an instrumentality that connects. adj. connecting or tending to connect. 
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121) Examples may include servers, disk storage devices, tape storage devices, and connective devices associated with these items.
122) Its smaller acini , the lack of Qu tubular, and normal morphology with complete loss, irregular stromal infiltration to collagen connective tissue layer no longer exists.
123) By using the method of vector Lyapunov function , the partial connective stability of large-scale systems with functionally dependent factor is discussed.
124) This bridge suffers the destruction of connective rainstorm, and it is dangerous.
125) It also visibly reduces scar tissue and repairs and regenerates connective tissue.
126) Results The primary diseases were connective tissue diseases, bullous dermatoses, and severe drug eruption, and the predominant causes of death were severe infection and multiple organ failure.
127) There are lymphatic tissue cords,( connective tissue cords and intercord lymph sinus and lymphatic nodules also in the loose areas.
128) This dissertation also studies the complementary distribution of the connective He and the connective Yu, in the number of paratactic parts, especial construction, and the phonetic requirements, etc.
129) The evolution of 'wen-ti-shi' as a textual connective belongs to synchronous grammaticalizational phenomena.
130) Leydig cell distributes in the connective tissue of the Seminiferous and its weight is only 2 percent of the whole testis, but it synthesizes 95 percent of the whole testosterone in human body.
131) Chondroitin Sulfate stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (a component of synovial fluid) which is the lubricant for joints as well as a major component of connective tissue in the skin.
132) The histopathological patterns consisted basically of reticular degeneration of the epidermis, inflammatory infiltration of the corium and proliferation of the connective tissue.
133) Haemocytopoiesis occurred in connective tissues adjacent to the site of gametogenesis with basement membrane as a boundary between them.
134) Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited disorder of connective tissue, which affects the skeleton, ligament, skin, sclera, and dentin.
135) The alpaca's hair fiber squamae arranged porous, and there were many hair follicles, which were severed two clusters by the connective tissue.
More similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionconnecting flightconnectconnectorconnecteddisconnectconnect withdisconnectedinterconnectconnectednessinterconnectedbe connected withconnotativeobjective functionelectivedetectiveaffectivedefectiveeffectiveadjectivedirectiveselectiveobjective
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