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Connective in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2Posted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionMeaning: [-ktɪv]  n. 1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 2. an instrumentality that connects. adj. connecting or tending to connect. 
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61) Methods 20 specimens of antiseptic knee joint were dissected. Synovial membrane of knee joint cavity and deep infrapatellar bursa, and the related connective tissue were observed and analyzed.
62) It is shown that choosing LM317 to be the manostat, the PIN diodes to be the photodetector, and the I-V transformation to be the connective mode, the designing index can be fulfilled.
63) Bilateral tibia and the second metatarsus were moved out and rejected all connective tissue.
64) It is also encased in membranes of connective tissue called the meninges.
65) Instrument can decide resistor of loop of ground connection of connective of this ground connection automatically.
66) Connective tissues of liver hepar are not developed, so the edge of the hepatic lobule is not distinctive.
67) The rings on every layer were meshed by the horizontal scanning line algorithm to make some even connective rectangular meshes.
68) This mucin stain of the wall of the aorta demonstrates cystic medial necrosis, typical for Marfan's syndrome and causes the connective tissue weakness that explains the aortic dissection.
69) In high energy shock wave group 2, mature lamellar bone occurred, there were plenty of proliferation of connective tissues and glass-like changes.
70) Pathologically, the pulmonary lesions seen in patients with silicosis are centrilobular, peribronchiolar nodules consisting of layers of laminated connective tissue.
70) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
71) The two are similar, but present differences in letter case, use of connective; e.g. hypen or underscore, and the type and number of possible extra tags (subtags).
72) Various types of connective tissue include the epimysium, the perimysium, and the endomysium.
73) The choroid plexus is composed of loose connective tissue of the pia mater.
74) Free nerve endings may be seen in the subepidermal connective tissue and muscular tissue, especially prominent near small blood vessels.
75) Conclusion: The evolution from dense connective tissue of perichondrial outmost layer to mature cartilaginous tissue showed a continuous evolving histokinetic pro-cess.
76) It may be a transitional form between dense regular connective tissue and bone.
77) Examples of the latter include the connective tissue disorders including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
78) The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.
79) The extension of the sclera could accordingly be due to incorrect enzymatic control with increasing softening of connective tissue cement and ground substance (Gatzino, 1956).
80) White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells.
81) The stroma of all lymphatic organs is made up of reticular connective tissue.
82) Over the other surface of the heart lies another layer of connective tissue, the epicardium.
83) Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a dermal connective tissue-involved disease characterized by scleroderma-like patches in the pretibial area.
84) To this we've added vitamin C and methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), which is required from the body to maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function.
85) Pores connect the protonephridial lumen to the intercellular space of connective tissue (parenchyma) and are located at the junction of a flame cell and a proximal canal cell.
86) In every case they involve a connective reference, and hence through their means are formed synthetic judgments apriori, that is, primary and underivative connections of opposites.
87) Results The cross sectional images of the first Chinese visible human fairly could display the osseous tissue, connective tissue, nerve and vessels.
88) Connective tissue is softened and tenderized by cooking slowly in moisture.
89) TLR4 was also expressed in periodontal connective tissues, and the TLR4-positive cells was overall in connective tissue subjacent to epithelium.
90) In tonsil tissue, there are lymphadenosis, more folliculus lymphaticus and connective tissue . 3.
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