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Connective in a sentence

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Sentence count:135+2 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionMeaning: [-ktɪv]  n. 1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences 2. an instrumentality that connects. adj. connecting or tending to connect. 
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1) Vitamin C helps maintain healthy connective tissue.
2) Don't overuse a causal connective like 'because'.
3) The surgeon cut through connective tissue to expose the bone.
4) I was tired between synapses and in the connective tissue of organs.
5) None had connective tissue disease then or in the follow up period.
6) Macrophage: a large scavenger cell present in connective tissue and in many major organs and tissues.
7) Alongside the sorts of connective listed above, other kinds of link can also be useful.
8) Most patients affected have been young women with connective tissue disorders who receive aspirin regularly in high dosage.
9) But there will be a connective thread through it all.
10) Disentangling all the connective strands and lines of causality is a task beyond our scope.
11) Fat cells developing in areolar connective tissue.
12) A connective word,[] especially a conjunction or conjunctive adverb.
13) In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division.
14) The subepithelial connective tissue penetrated the pineal body forming interlobular septum, and separated the pineal body to parenchymal lobules.
15) Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right.
16) Tissue fluid from the capillaries and connective tissue of the Haversian canal can seep through these spaces and channels, bringing nutrients to the stellate osteocytes residing there.
17) Mesodermal-type bones, muscles, connective tissue, fulfilling the patient, physical type than the ectodermal thin people get sick more delicate.
18) Meanwhile, studies published in the Western Journal of Medicine found no evidence linking implants with connective tissue diseases.
19) Many cancers rely on collagenase to break down collagen in connective tissues.
20) A portion of the tail of the pancreas was then quickly excised, trimmed of adipose and connective tissue and used immediately.
21) At these points there are also constrictions in the blood vessels and nerves, and weaknesses in the connective tissues.
22) Young children may well appreciate this before they have sorted out the relation between connective, mode, and temporal order.
23) In particular, homogeneity of description-type and direct conjunction through the connective and produce the most favourable environments for plural production.
24) Heart tissue has a complex architecture that includes blood vessels and connective tissue, as well as muscle cells.
25) The tunica adventitia was serous membrane , but in the mesosalpinx, it was connective tissue.
26) Histologically, the ligamentous attachment of the nerve roots within the foramina consists of adipose and connective tissue.
27) Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disorder that affects all connective tissue.
28) A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation.
29) Using external proton beam induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique, theelemental concentrations in the structures of connective tissue corelated to acupointswere determined.
30) Hepatic histopathological examination showed proliferation of bile duct and fibrous connective tissue, obvious increase of hepatic cell oncosis and liver cell cord derangement in BDL group.
More similar words: connective tissueconnectivityconnectingconnectiondisconnectiondisconnectingin this connectioninterconnectionconnecting flightconnectconnectorconnecteddisconnectconnect withdisconnectedinterconnectconnectednessinterconnectedbe connected withconnotativeobjective functionelectivedetectiveaffectivedefectiveeffectiveadjectivedirectiveselectiveobjective
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