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Commodity in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+5Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: articleproductwareSimilar words: accommodatemodifyin commoncommonlyvaliditycommunitysodiummodeMeaning: [kə'mɒdətɪ]  n. articles of commerce. 
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91. There are many domestic workshops in this area, which are engaged in simple commodity production.
92. The conduct of commercial mixture is a kind of common unlawful competition, which includes mixture of commodity subject, of operating subject and that of commodity quality.
93. This includes the market for bulk pick - up in commodity prices stabilize expectations.
94. Active support advocatean area to replenish local commissariat reserve and commodity reserve.
95. These three transformations have been really difficult, but the transubstantiation of a commodity is even more difficult. Thus its difficulty is evidently shown.
95. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
96. Grain is a kind of special commodity. Grain distribution not only holds a high position in social and economic development, but also plays a key role in social stability.
97. StaBilizing the commodity prices plays an active role in staBilizing society.
98. The dollar weakened against the euro and sterling ahead of the jobs data and commodity futures, which are priced in dollars, advanced.
99. Other middle - income oil importers would suffer from continued low commodity prices.
100. Cotton is an economic crop with a high commodity rate which plays an important role in increasing farmers' income and consumption.
101. Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search into a commodity.
102. Physical commodity markets that are heavily dependent on China such as iron ore and rubber are down 10-15 per cent since mid-February.
103. Accuracy and precision of method meets requirements of commodity inspection and the proposed method has been applied to the inspection of the export fluorspar.
104. Ratio of the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged, a computation necessary to minimize basis risk.
105. Commercial Bribery is a social phenomenon formed conjunctively with the development of a commodity economy.
106. We are the enterprise specializing in producing and selling top and middle grade commodity ceram-ics.
107. Being a commodity, the price of realty is influenced by the relation of supply and demand.
108. Commodity brokers in the Corn Exchange reacted swiftly to news about crop failure in N . America.
109. Rightly orienting the commodity export strategy, realizing the export's persisting impetus to economic rising.
110. This is home sell permissibly punish the registered trade mark that does not have sham commodity only.
111. The difference between the spot or cash price of a commodity and the futures price of the same or a related commodity.
112. Whenever Hung - chien met her, his feelings of inferiority rose like wartime commodity prices.
113. Accelerating commodity circulation is an effective way to gain economic interest.
114. The State shall establish production bases of commodity grain and commodity cotton in a planned way.
115. Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search a commodity.
116. Market of prewar and southwest commodity has apparent semi - colony sex, traditional sex and backward sex.
117. Thus, the Commodity Futures Modernisation Act of 2000 exempted credit default swaps from these laws.
118. Therefore, by the adjustment of consumption loan policy, increasing people's income and decreasing the commodity price so on, it will spur the consumption.
119. No development enterprise may sell commodity houses in advance without obtaining a Permit for Advance Sale of Commodity Houses.
120. The main products are towel rack, glass towel rack, glass commodity shelf and so on.
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