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Quartz in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: crystallechatelieritequartz glassvitreous silicaSimilar words: quarterquarterbacklast quarterheadquartersfirst quarterclose quarterssquarequarryMeaning: [kwɔrts /kwɔːts]  n. 1. colorless glass made of almost pure silica 2. a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form; present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite); yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities. 
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1 Quartz watches don't need winding.
2 There is a great deal quartz in those mountains.
3 The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz and asbestos here.
4 Quartz timepieces are very accurate, to a minute or two per year.
5 Within their surfaces are tiny specks of quartz.
6 Quartz is a crystalline form of silica.
7 Top right: Right handed and left handed quartz crystals.
8 The most commonly used rocks are granite, quartz,[] or other similarly stable materials.
9 Quartz, on the other hand, is the most stable and crystallizes at the lowest temperature.
10 Gold was also reported from minor quartz veins, with pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena, at Stronchullin in Strathclyde.
11 Halogen bulbs give instant heat, while a quartz grill, the latest innovation, is quick and efficient.
12 When minerals such as quartz and feldspars have received a radiation dose and are then heated, they emit light.
13 Sand Particle-shaped quartz,( often mixed with fine grains of calcareous origin in Champagne.
14 The timing of the development of quartz overgrowth cements is more variable.
15 Minerals giving very low intensity emission, such as quartz grains, required many minutes or even hours of exposure with fast films.
16 These high-precision quartz plates are used in the manufacturing of semiconductor computer wafers.
17 A summary of quartz grain features is given in Fig. 5.11 and photomicrographs in Fig. 5.12.
18 Sandstone, a sedimentary rock and quartzite, a metamorphic rock, both contain a high proportion of quartz.
19 Quartz, feldspar, and the clay minerals make up the bulk of that contribution.
20 Like quartz clocks, aluminium fondue sets, embroidered hankies and whether the neighbours are taking baths too late at night.
21 Even its grimace is empty, Warted with quartz pebbles from the sea's womb.
22 Prayer flags fluttered along the crest where quartz gleamed in the rocks.
23 Gold is distributed throughout mineralised quartz veins, not just in sporadic shoots.
24 In addition to studies using the modal composition of a sediment, other provenance determinations can be made from individual quartz grains.
25 The readings suggest Barnacle Bill is a form of lava called andesite, typically loaded with quartz.
26 Sandstone, for example, can hold very large volumes of groundwater because spaces are formed between the rock's rounded quartz grains.
27 Two fifteenth-century icons set in beaten silver, studded with amethyst and quartz.
28 Bravais lattices. Top right: Right handed and left handed quartz crystals.
29 Outside the radio reception areas, the watch runs with a normal quartz movement.
30 Thermoluminescence is a property of crystalline materials, such as quartz and feldspars, which are found in pottery.
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