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Color in a sentence

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Sentence count:163+15Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decolourSimilar words: Color.colorfulcolonycolonialecologicalexplorecounselorexplorationMeaning: [ˈkʌlə(r)]  n. 1. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect 2. interest and variety and intensity 3. the timbre of a musical sound 4. a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks) 5. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading 6. any material used for its color 7. (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction; each flavor of quarks comes in three colors 8. the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation. v. 1. add color to 2. affect as in thought or feeling 3. modify or bias 4. decorate with colors 5. gloss or excuse 6. change color, often in an undesired manner. adj. having or capable of producing colors. 
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91. If you're white and you're wrong, then you're wrong; if you're black and you're wrong, you're wrong. People are people. Black, blue, pink, green - God make no rules about color; only society make rules where my people suffer, and that why we must have redemption and redemption now. Bob Marley 
92. Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947.
93. The page is a young man of color who raps in crushingly artless rhymes.
94. Hard slides from guys in plaid pants, white belts and knit shirts the color of baby cheeks.
95. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. Nelson Mandela 
96. There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion. Malala Yousafzai 
97. And be mindful of how the color of text appears against the background.
98. Some people live such boring lives; it's black & white, so dead! I choose to color my life with fun, some blue, some green, some red. RVM 
99. Monkeys and apes are the only mammals with good color vision.
100. You can alter the color and size of the image using a remote control.
101. We all know our genes determine physical appearance, such as eye color and hair texture.
101. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
102. The place gave him some strength and some color and some training in walking with an artificial leg.
103. Because of his color, it has been repeatedly assumed that he does not really belong at Vassar.
104. The maples and aspens along the roadsides were vibrant with color.
105. Now operating under color of authority, the 515 was put in overdrive.
106. To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska and being against snow. William Faulkner 
107. Tuesday marks year number 50 since Jackie Robinson broke the color line in major league baseball.
108. Their responses are always determined by the number of blocks of each color remaining in the bag.
109. That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. John Green 
110. Phobos and Deimos are small, irregularly shaped bodies, generally similar to carbonaceous asteroids in color, reflectivity, and density.
111. And that includes hues of oatmeal and taupe, which color consultants say suggest wholesome environmental awareness.
112. I agree with you about the color -- it looks awful.
113. Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong. Muhammad Ali 
114. Buy: Canned mushroom, Food color, Canned fruit.
115. This practice should be called color bar.
116. It'should be evident that skin color is multifactorially determined.
117. Black - and - white televisions are knocked into a cocked hat by the modern color ones.
118. It belongs European wood . The distinctive color from others is on the purity and clearness presentation.
119. The thesis also gives some special functions to enhance the image effect, for instance, blur, mosaic, spray, mono-noise and color noise, etc.
120. Black - and - white televisions a cocked hat by the modern color ones.
More similar words: Color.colorfulcolonycolonialecologicalexplorecounselorexplorationcolumncollarcollegecollectapologytheologygeologyprolongbiologypercolatecollapseprotocolideologyno longerso long ascolumnistcollectorcolleaguechocolateapologizecollectioncollective
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