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Colonic in a sentence

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Sentence count:182Posted:2017-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: colonialcolonizecolonistcolonisecolonizercolonizedcolonialismcolonizationMeaning: n. a water enema given to flush out the colon. adj. of or relating to the colon. 
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151. Colonic obstruction is, except in the case of volvulus, chronic.
152. Objective: To approach the surgical therapy of colonic slow constipation.
153. Objectives To explore the operative method of trans-anal colonic pull-through combined minilaparotomy for congenital megacolon.
154. Moreover, FOS increased fecal mucin excretion and mucin concentrations in cecal and colonic contents, and in cecal mucosa before infection.
155. To investigate the difference of microscopic autofluorescence imaging of normal and adenocarcinoma colonic tissue, and the autofluorescence intensity difference among the colonic tissue layers.
156. Objective To assess the clinical values of CT colonography ( CTC ) in the diagnosis of colonic polyps.
157. Colonic polyps in children may be solitary, multiple, or diffuse.
158. Conclusion The increase of immunoreactivity of NOS and 5 HT is the physiopathology basis of STC, and SOM has no obvious effect on the slow colonic transit.
159. It is very important to consider the possibility of the ovarian metastasis in patients with colonic cancer, and prophylactic oophorectomy is imperative in order to effect a cure.
160. We examined clinical, endoscopic, and pathologic data from 29 patients with isolated ileitis and no prior history of inflammatory bowel disease, and no colonic or upper gastrointestinal involvement.
161. The presence of osseous tissue in colonic biopsy material might be confused with colonic adenocarcinoma invading into bone or with a carcinosarcoma ( metaplastic carcinoma).
162. Each has an opening to the colonic lumen through a narrow neck.
163. Colonic perforation is one of the most common and severe complications.
164. Objective To retrospectively analyze the role of colonic transit test in diagnosis and aetiology of constipation.
165. Results: In all 3 patients, dilation of a colonic stricture was accomplished by injection of infliximab, via the sclerotherapy technique, into the distal and medial portions of the stricture.
166. This colonic mucosal surface is erythematous because of the enormous infestation by Trichuris organisms ( whipworms ).
167. Conclusion: 1, Spleen deficiency can cause the colonic mucous epithelial cell to abscise and effect the integrity of colonic mucous epithelium.
168. Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of combined therapy of Shehuang Paste (SHP) with colonic dialysis in treating patients with refractory cirrhotic ascites complicated with azotemia.
169. Objective:To observe clinical efficacy of colonic dialysis and routine enteroclysis on hepatitis and cirrhosis.
170. Materials and Methods DCBE was performed in 84 ca ses with hematochezia and suspicious of colonic polyp, of which 46 cases underwent colonoscopy for further confirmation or therapy.
171. The preliminary results indicated that a colonic drug delivery system with pectic calcium has developed a broad prospect of local application of drugs.
172. "This study shows that capsule endoscopy is a safe method of visualizing the colonic mucosa through colon fluids without the need for sedation or insufflation, " the researchers concluded.
173. Objective: To observe effect of combination of TCM-WM with high colonic lavement for delaying renal failure.
174. Laceration of the colonic serosa or mesocolon complicated by colonoscopy is rare but probably overlooked.
175. Results The preoperative diagnosis rate of carcinomatous colonic obstruction was only 28.6% (6/21).
176. Conclusions The management of acute perforation induced by the colonic diverticulitis should be judged according to the patient's systemic condition and contamination of the abdominal cavity.
177. Conclusions The efficacy of sulindac is significant in regressing colonic adenomas of patients with FAP.
177. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
178. Conclusion Subtotal colectomy and intraoperative colonic irrigation are effective methods for management of obstructive carcinoma in the left colon.
179. Bowel decompression and colonic lavage were carried out simultaneously in course of the operation. Results: 17 cases received right hemicolectomy and 20 left hemicolectomy.
180. Colonic adenomatous polyp is one of the high risk factors of colorectal tumors.
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