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151. The boy students dislike going any where with her because she a clinging vine.
152. Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs and rocks at the river bottom, for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current what each had learned from birth.
153. Turning off the highway from Roses we drove into the Cap de Creus nature preserve, a moonscape of scrub brush and hardy mountain trees clinging to a mountain striped with hiking trails.
154. His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched.
155. You have to let your better - half make some decisions to avoid her being a clinging vine.
156. He sat down and, clinging to the thwart, began to sob quietly.
157. But don't confuse them with a simple stratus cloud clinging to a mountaintop. "Only a jaunty cloud hat" will do.
158. Her glass had bits of orange clinging to the rim.
159. In one popular spoof they are portrayed – in the company of Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh, who is still clinging to power – in unflattering flesh-coloured body-stockings.
160. Likewise, at a previous scene of slaughter, a baby gorilla - worth thousands of dollars on the live animal black market - was found clinging to its dead mother.
161. Perfume too seemed to emanate from the glorious hair and white clinging vestments of she herself.
162. For the rural semi-proletariat are not so stubborn in clinging to small peasant private ownership of the means of production; they are more ready to accept socialist transformation.
163. In this modern time,[http://sentencedict.com/clinging.html] even and friends might laugh at his bookish and clinging.
164. My unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.
165. The prisoners understood as well as Vladimir and Estragon that life means waiting, killing time and clinging to the hope that relief may be just around the corner.
166. More probably, while we try to compare the relative power of the West and the East, we are clinging to an obsolete vocabulary.
167. I was nearly drowned through the drowning boy clinging to my neck.
168. But when it is stirred, the "water" turns out to be as sticky as molasses, clinging to a glass rod and forming long, hair-thin threads.
169. Doing things and experimenting allows you to question the status quo, discover new things, new methods but most importantly critical thinking increases your odds of not clinging to a false belief.
170. Limbaugh contrasted Palin's life story with Barack Obama's statement earlier in the year that some poor white voters were "bitter" - "clinging" to their faith or their guns out of fear.
171. She was once awakened, and for the time being , clinging , responsive, dreamy.
172. But there must be something of the clinging vine about women.
173. So is clinging to the roof of an SUV in a gale with practice mallets fashioned from paint roller handles and plumbing parts.
174. In the unfortunate case that you get laid off(sentencedict.com), do you think you would be more happy having started a business on the side or having spent your energy desperately clinging to your job?
175. Clinging to devildom and longing for Buddhism contained his attempt to save oneself with traditional Zen and his care for the ultimate life.
176. Eventually one of the bears managed to shove his brother off the end of the log, leaving him clinging on comically.
177. The rosy-cheeked, Bright-eyed quartet looked so charming in their light summer attire, clinging to the roadside bank.
178. Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Remember that silent movie scene where the comic hero, Harold Lloyd, dangles outside a building, clinging to the minute-hand of a giant clock?
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