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Chase in a sentence

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Sentence count:299+13Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: drive awayfollowpursuerejectrepulserun afterSimilar words: purchasecasebaseeasephasevaseceaselaserMeaning: [tʃeɪs]  n. 1. the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture 2. United States politician and jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1808-1873). v. 1. go after with the intent to catch 2. pursue someone sexually or romantically 3. cut a groove into 4. cut a furrow into a columns. 
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271. The policeman gave chase the bag snatcher but he just seemed to away into the crowd.
272. Fireflies fly everywhere on summer nights, which attract children to chase after them.
273. The cats used to gang up and chase the dog around the house.
274. You can chase a dream that seems out of reach.
275. You see him doing his best to chase after the ball.
276. The Johnsons'cat likes to chase after the mice as if it were playing with them.
277. Because of a squall the chase has to be called off.
278. JPMorgan Chase, a big provider of MSB accounts,[] did so in 2005.
279. Finally, the president of the company said, " Cut to the chase. "
280. For example: The police detective is trying chase down a lead in the murder investigation.
281. This time the chase would be long and hard and unrelenting.
282. The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession.
283. However, it reserved right to use the data unilaterally to chase such evaders in France.
284. Only virgins can outsmart the killer in the big chase scene at the end.
285. One possibility is that the prey are giant squid: a chase of Titanic proportions.
286. Chelsea have reportedly joined Manchester United in the chase for Spanish hotshot Fernando Torres.
287. I am not here to promote blind worship or chase after the perfection of primitive society.
288. As an activity of the festival,[] girls on horseback will chase after boys also on horseback.
289. That leaves CredIt'suisse and JPMorgan Chase to take the grand prizes.
290. JPMorgan Chase made a lowball offer for WaMu soon after buying Bear Stearns, but was rebuffed.
291. Methods 27 patients underwent bilateral or unilateral lower limb angiography with bolus chase technique.
292. Suddenly a dog began to chase after he, scaring her almost out of her wits.
293. Norvelle, whose catchphrase is "Chase Me", asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone.
294. Microsoft regards Yahoo as his to chase edge tool of Gu Ge in network market.
295. How many times did he chase down opponents and swat breakaway layups?
296. Concealed by snowfall, the chase is watched by golden eagles circling above.
297. NIV Will you torment a windblown leaf? Will you chase after dry chaff?
298. Sometimes the boys would rout out little ground squirrels and chase them into the bush.
299. Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to England and put to steeple chase racing.
More similar words: purchasecasebaseeasephasevaseceaselaserteasein caseabaseblasepleaseweaselphraseat easeeraserdeceasecarcaseappeaseincreasediseasepleasedbaseballreleasein case ofbased ongaseousin a sensein any case
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